How important the chi in maintaining healthy body? what is the function of chi to make us healthy? How can acupuncture help us to be heathy? find out by reading this article...
The basis of acupuncture is based on the importance of an individual's chi in maintaining bodily and mental health. It is believed that chi is present in all living things, and flows through specific pathways in the body. Health problems arise when it blocks the flow of chi in the body. As a result, a person may feel persistent headaches, muscle pain, fever, weakness, or at worst, it becomes more afflicted by serious health conditions.
A deeper explanation of acupuncture
Acupuncture has its origins in ancient Chinese philosophy and practice. Over ten thousand years ago during the Stone Age of China, the rocks were formed in the knives for medical purposes. After several years during the New Stone Age, these stones were eventually become needles for the same therapeutic purpose. These accounts are further evidenced by the needles of stone discovered proved to be the same type used during the New Stone Age.
Basically, there are 14 routes throughout the body where the chi flows continuously. These are called meridian points. To course of chi through the body without barriers, there must be a balance between the forces of yin and yang. In ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang represent the forces of the universe, the yin is feminine, while Yang is masculine. Everything in the universe is believed to contain both yin and yang harmony.
When yin and yang are unbalanced, chi can't flow freely through the body. Therefore, the meridian points through Chi courses through need to be encouraged. This is done by inserting hair thin needles into specific areas in the body of a person to induce the body's harmony and achieve healing.
A certified and trained acupuncturist will be able to carry out an excellent therapy session for the patient. Training for acupuncturists are given so they can get their licenses. A poor practitioner can not be proficient enough to practice and could ultimately jeopardize the outcome of the procedure. Today, it is advisable to check the credentials of a doctor to ensure an acupuncture treatment safe and effective.
What Does this old method
One of the most marked effects of acupuncture on the body is relaxation. Stress is often considered the main precursor of a series of physical ailments. There are specific points throughout the body to direct the flow of harmony and relaxation, and when they are excited about these, the patient becomes more relaxed.
Another positive effect of this alternative therapy is a major pain control. During one session, a patient will usually feel very minimal pain as thin needles are inserted gradually. However, the needles are deliberately placed at different depths, depending on the patient's health needs. When the needles reach the correct depth, the patient will feel deep pain, although the procedure is not necessarily painful.
It is also recommended for relief from the fatigue of chemotherapy, nausea related to chemotherapy. It has also been shown to greatly effective for back pain, migraines, menstrual pains, and as a controller of pain for patients after undergoing surgery.
Variations of conventional acupuncture
Auriculotherapy or ear acupuncture is one of the variations of conventional acupuncture. In practice, it is believed that the ear provides a map of all the principal organs of the body. One specific area or point on the ear corresponds to a particular organ like the heart, kidneys or liver. Thus, the needles are placed in particular, around the ear and the ear cartilage.
Staplepuncture is a method used in smoking cessation, in which the staples are placed over a given period anywhere in the area of the ear to provide stimulation.
Indeed, there is growing evidence that this practice can rival traditional oriental modern methods of treatment. If you are one of the many people who are seeking wider recognition and honor the time of therapeutic practice, acupuncture may be a treatment option for you.