How Does Breast Augmentation Happen?
There are different parts when having a breast augmentation. Know what is happening before it does happen.
For those who want fuller breasts,
breast augmentation may be the ideal type of surgery for you to consider. This procedure often involves the implantation of sacs filled with fluid into the area where the breasts are. The goal is to create realistic and natural looking shapes but that are larger or more pronounced in the way you desire. Individuals who are considering having this procedure will meet with a surgeon to discuss their options. You should also discuss what is likely to occur during the process. What Happens During the Procedure? Most often, this procedure will take between one and two hours. During it, the patient is placed under a general anesthesia. In some cases, it is possible that only a local anesthesia will be used. You and your doctor can discuss these options. In most cases, you will be asleep during the breast augmentation to prevent you from moving or otherwise being injured. Once asleep, your doctor will begin the procedure. Breast augmentation can happen in more than one way and your doctor should tell you which way he or she plans to conduct the procedure before getting started. In most cases, the surgeon will perform it at the crease located under the breast. This is called the inframammary fold. Another option is to perform is through the areola, or the nipple. Some may also access the interior of the breasts from the armpit. In all cases, the goal is usually to provide the best access while also minimizing any scaring. At this point, you will have discussed which type of implant will be used, including the size, texture and the filling. The implant is inserted into the proper location empty. Generally, it is placed either under or behind the breast muscle. This helps to hold it in place while also creating that natural look you are looking for. There are options here for you to choose from, too, which your doctor will discuss with you early on. Once they are in place, the surgeon will fill the implant with the fluid. Then, the incision area, where the access to the tissues occurred, will be closed. You may have some drainage tubes coming out of the area. These are likely to stay in for just a short amount of time to help with draining excess fluid from the area. During a breast augmentation procedure, your doctor will take steps to protect your health and to ensure the best possible outcome. If you have questions about what could happen or what to expect afterwards, be sure to talk to your doctor about them prior to having this procedure done.