Every parent wants their child to enjoy a well-balanced diet that helps them grow strong and healthy. This means making sure they get the correct nutrients needed to grow strong teeth and bones. Their daily diet should include all the major food groups of meat or fish, eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fruits and cereals and breads.
It is especially important that you try to encourage healthy eating habits as soon as possible. This is because it will have a positive effect on the development of their teeth and bones, and will ensure their body has all it needs to maintain healthy gums, and to fight any dental infections more effectively. It is easy to overlook the importance of healthy gums, but if you think about they help hold teeth firmly in position, and without strong gums there is a good chance teeth can become loose and will either fall out or require extracting.
How Can I Create a Tooth Friendly Diet?
When you are planning meals for kids, try to include the following types of foods:
It can often be difficult to get children to eat healthily, especially if they are going through a phase of picky eating, or if they really don’t like one of the major food groups. We can help through providing advice as part of your child’s customized treatment plan, and will work with you to produce a healthy diet that they will hopefully enjoy eating.
In addition, regular checkups help us to regularly assess the development of their teeth and jaws, and to make sure everything is developing normally. If we do spot anything then it is usually easier to treat sooner rather than later.
For more information please visit www.kidsbestdentistnyc.com
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