How much does 4 days in New York Hospital cost?

Jul 14


Carl Willoughby

Carl Willoughby

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The knowledge that life is relatively short and absolutely unpredictable is humbling and insightful. I’m returning from 5 days in New York hospital with a serious intestinal infection… It is eye-opening to NOT EAT or DRINK for 5 days (not even water) and to be hooked up to an I.V. machine 24 hours a day. Guess how much it cost?


Nothing beats a near-death experience for revitalizing the human spirit. The knowledge that life is relatively short and absolutely unpredictable is humbling and insightful.

I'm returning from 5 days in New York hospital with a serious intestinal infection… diverticulitis to be exact. It is eye-opening to NOT EAT or DRINK for 5 days (not even water) and to be hooked up to an I.V. machine 24 hours a day.

It Really Sucks!

When you are fighting a potentially life-threatening condition or illness,How much does 4 days in New York Hospital cost? Articles it puts one's life in a new, refreshing perspective. It has given me an appreciation for the really important things life has to offer…

Family, Friends, Loved ones, Health. (Not necessarily in that order). Family, friends and Loved ones are the best life has to offer… But life certainly is more enjoyable when everyone is healthy.

All the money in the world… isn't worth losing your health over.

Your Health is the most precious thing you possess… Just ask any inpatient in a hospital!

I can tell you that although the health care was most excellent, life in the hospital was not that much fun for me. I was hooked up to an I.V. for days with no food or drink. You have to drag that I.V. thing with you everywhere you go, even to the bathroom.

(I'm not complaining - They probably saved my life).

I was getting prodded and poked and stuck with needles everyday for blood samples and stuck with another needle to give a blood thinner. They took blood pressure readings and thermometer readings every few hours all day everyday… and at night too.

The nurse would wake me up in the middle of the night to take my blood pressure and temperature readings. (And I thought waking up to an alarm clock was annoying).

The doctors and nurses were all wonderful. Very professional care from very capable professionals. After 5 days I was well enough to go home.

I was admitted on Sunday evening and was discharged Thursday evening… Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday… 5-days.

But it only totals about 96 hours so the hospital says it's 4 days. Guess how much 4 days in New York Hospital cost? The bill came today:

Rm Two Beds or more $8,230.08, Drugs $758.57, Laboratory Services $346.30, Laboratory Services $516.52, Laboratory Services $235.56, Laboratory Services $578.25, Laboratory Services $73.15, X-Ray Services $229.10, Cat Scan $4,518.51, Emer Room Services $827.68, Drugs $506.94, Ekg Inpatient $174.81

Totals $16,995.47

And when you add in the cost of the phone and television… That's a grand total of over $17,000.00 bucks for 4 days. That's $,4,250 per day… And I didn't even have any surgery (yet).

Professional Care comes with a professional price tag.

Would you have enough money to pay for this if it came out of your pocket? Most people couldn't afford to make a payment like that. It's not their fault. They work hard, get paid well but the cost of living is sooo expensive.

Most families do not accumulate wealth. Most families have a hard time saving any money. The solution however is NOT to cut back.

The solution is to change your way of thinking. The solution is to realize that… Your Health is Your Real Wealth!