Hair is a living part of the body, and it too, requires nutrients and minerals, just like any other body part. People who want to have healthy hair that is shiny, fast growing, and not easily broken should pay special attention to their nutrition. Their diet should be rich in protein, zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and other nutrients. Only then will the hair have the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy, strong, and keep from falling out.
Most of the supermarkets and beauty salons are bursting with “miracle” hair care products which supposedly prevent hair loss or improve hair growth. Although most quality hair products such as shampoo, conditioner, and masks sold in such places really are designed to strengthen our hair and help it grow, their effectiveness is nowhere near as effective as the right diet. In fact, nutrition is the number one factor that affects the hair. So, how exactly does a healthy diet benefit our hair?
The key to having hair that is healthy, not easily broken, shiny, and growing out of every follicle is a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Two minerals that hair desperately needs are iron and zinc. Without these minerals, it is difficult for the hair follicles to grow, causing the hair to be thinner and to fall out. Thus, many nutritionists and dermatologists recommend consuming iron and zinc in the form of red meat twice a week. It is a product that is rich in both iron and zinc. Red meat is also an excellent source of protein, which is another nutrient crucial for having healthy hair. Protein is an important building block of life that promotes the growth and repair of cells. Not eating enough protein often leads to hair loss. Chicken, fish, red meat, and dairy products are excellent sources of protein. It is recommended that people get at least half a gram of protein for each kilo of body weight.
Many individuals who complain of having hair that is easily broken or falling out are not consuming enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. Without these fatty acids the hair quality gets worse and the hair loses its silky and smooth feel. Omega-3 fatty acids also have numerous other health advantages. They strengthen the heart and improve the mood. These fatty acids can be found in fatty red fish, such as salmon, nuts, and some other foods. Unhealthy hair can also be the result of a diet that is low in vitamin D, a vitamin that activates hair growth. Although not many foods contain vitamin D, it can still be found in salmon, tuna, eggs, mushrooms, and many other products.
Not many people realize that poor nutrition may not only cause hair to thin, break, and lose its healthy look, but it can even be the cause of Male Pattern Baldness. Hair desperately needs vitamins, and men who do not consume enough of them may experience extra loss of hair. A diet that has too much fat, salt, and animal protein can also trigger or speed up the process. Such food damages the kidneys and creates acidic blood, which then leads to male hair loss.
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