It is extremely disturbing to think about all the degenerative diseases which exist and are bankrupting our people and our country. Worst of all is the fact so many people are dying of afflictions which could be alleviated.
The physicians who understand the harmful role teeth can play in their patient's lives will, I trust, keep in mind that none of this information in any way condones the wholesale condemnation of all teeth. Early in my practice I was horrified to find a number of patients whose physicians took the focal infection theory too literally and advised them to have all their teeth out, teeth that were in no way involved in their arthritic condition.
Because dentists construct dentures which look and act so much like natural teeth, people have come to believe that they are just as good as their own. While dentures are among the best of all body replacement parts, they are never good at masticating food as natural teeth in good repair. Most patients with full dentures are enthused about them and insist they can eat everything.
Then, too, bad this very revealing research of Dr. Price's not been buried, there is a good chance by now we would have solved the problems of how to sterilize bacteria trapped in dentin tubules.
It is extremely disturbing to think about all the degenerative diseases which exist and are bankrupting our people and our country. Worst of all is the fact so many people are dying of afflictions which could be alleviated.
In this chapter about degenerative diseases, I have included some of the more common ones Dr. Price presented in his two books, and pictures illustrating these conditions.
The degenerative diseases mentioned in this chapter with accompanying pictures were:
These exmaples should give you some idea of the thousands of different degenerative disease cases which were extensively studies. Because Dr. Price's investigations indicate those who have root canal fillings and/or periodontal gum disease have a higher incidence of degenerative diseases than do those free of such conditions, it behooves us to adopt sound preventive measures in our day to day lives.
Gum Infections,Dental Infections was Directly Related to the Parient's Calcium Metabolism
In time it became apparent the presence or absence of of gum infections was directly related to the patient's calcium metabolism. When the ionic level of calcium in the blood was higher than normal, the supporting gum and bone tended to be absorbed away more easily in the presence of irritation.Rough Tartar Deposits, Gum Crevices Causes Gum Tissues Inflamed, Attract Bacteria
Most dentists seem to be in agreement now that the irritation of rough tartar deposits (calculus) which accumulate in the gum crevices causes the gum tissue to become inflamed and to attract bacteria.Immune System Overloaded by Dental Infection, Trauma - Injury
When people suffer a severe auto accident, fall, or suffer some other injury, their immune systems are called upon to work at peak performance in order to achieve a speedy recovery. Those people with root canal fillings are generally found to have a healing rate slower than expected.