How to Beat Seasonal Allergies with Nutrition
It’s estimated that 35 million Americans deal with seasonal allergies associated with nature’s worst offenders, such as pollen, grass, and flowers. It can make our lives miserable with constant coughing and sneezing.
While we all know about the prescription and over-the-counter drugs advertised on television or recommended by our family doctors,

there's a holistic approach that may provide relief: your diet.Whether you have an adverse reaction to mold, pollen, ragweed or something else in nature, it’s possible to ease your symptoms with what you eat.
Clear Broth - Many of us grew up on chicken soup as comfort food while we fight through a cold or the flu. There’s good reason to use a somewhat modified approach to remedy seasonal allergies as well. Eating soup with clear broth helps thin mucus and clear your nasal passages of those allergens.
Spicy Foods - Spice things up with curry, onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, and hot ginger. These spices have a host of health benefits, but in the case of dealing with stuffy sinuses due to allergies, you can thin the mucus and clear your nasal passages.
Anti-inflammatory Foods - Experts also suggest getting plenty of foods with antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation. Easily accessible foods include salmon, berries, red kidney beans, walnuts, apples, and oranges.Sometimes, it’s also about what foods to avoid. For instance, there's a little known condition called oral allergy syndrome, which is when a pollen allergy elicits the same reaction in foods that share a similar protein. So the body's immune system responds as if you were ingesting pollen."As many as one-third of the people with seasonal allergies experience oral allergy syndrome," says allergist Dr. Clifford W. Bassett, medical director of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York, and vice chairman of public education at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Herbal Supplements for Seasonal AllergiesSome studies suggest that the lactobacillus acidophilus strain L-92, a probiotic often added to yogurt or milk, may help alleviate itchy skin. Also, the herb butterbur (petasites hybridus) has shown positive results in clinical trials."There are several excellent manufacturers out there. There are also a host of low-priced and poor quality supplements," says Dr. Stephen Barkow, a Board-Certified Pain Management Physician and Medical Director of the Orange County Pain Management Institute in Southern California. "These supplements tend to use a lot of fillers, artificial colors; they use cheap, imported ingredients from different sources whatever is the cheapest at that time, and do not maintain good quality control."There is often a connection between food intolerance and seasonal allergies. It’s best to monitor your diet closely to see what foods you may be reacting to and eliminate them to see if you have a positive reaction.