Recently I have heard a very strange statement that when you are very busy, when you have a lot of work, etc., it is simply impossible to eat right. In my opinion, it is not true.
Recently I have heard a very strange statement that when you are very busy, when you have a lot of work, etc., it is simply impossible to eat right. In my opinion, it is not true. The most interesting is that the cooking of useful food always takes me less time than the fried dishes and bakery. I'm one of those people who do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, even when I'm sitting at home and have nothing to do.
So, an ode to a stomach of an office worker: for cooking we need 5-10 minutes, a thermos (it is wonderful if you have a special thermos for food), a steamer (it is not expensive, but if you are very tight with money, you can use a saucepan and a colander).
A breakfast
For a breakfast it is better to eat cooked porridges of whole grain cereals.
At the evening pour buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley or millet with boiling water in a thermos in 1 to 3 proportion. And in the morning you will get a very tasty and healthfully cooked porridge. You can add your favorite spices, milk or fruit.
For example, you can eat frozen fruit or berries, jam or honey with oatmeal porridge. The most delicious oatmeal porridge I have prepared in the summer, when I added there fresh strawberries and honey from the apiary. Before steaming millet always rinse it with boiling water and then several times with cold water, otherwise the porridge will turn bitter.
A lunch
In the morning we load meat or fish, vegetables (frozen are acceptable), cereals in the steamer, pour the necessary amount of water and switch the steamer on. While you wash, dress, do a make-up, the food is prepared. If you have 20-30 minutes, it is better to choose fish and vegetables - they are preparing in 20 minutes. If you have more time choose meat. Poultry prepares in 40 minutes and I cook red meat 50 minutes. And note that it is preparing itself, without any human intervention. Then put it all in a special utensil or thermos, grab some fresh vegetables and a healthy lunch at the job time is ready!
If the taste of steamed food seems insipid, you can experiment with spices. Red and black pepper, curry, ginger powder, herbs. The choice in modern shops or even at your own garden allows to create an endless number of flavor combinations. And again the time is wasted minimally. As you do not go in a store or a cafe for a lunch.
If you have absolutely no time, cook a little more porridge beforehand, add the fresh vegetables and take it all in the office.
Fruits and dried fruits are a wonderful snack. Those who have never tried drinking an office tea with dates, nuts, raisins, prunes lose a lot. Fruits activate the metabolism, improve mood, and most importantly, they can be eaten very often. Apples, persimmons, bananas, pears, pomegranates, grapefruit - the choice is great and wonderful.
The same fruit can be added to the natural yogurt and kefir, add a few tablespoons of oat bran - and ten minutes later a useful for the beauty and a stomach lunch is ready. A cottage cheese is good with honey, muesli can be poured with milk or juice. There is plenty room for imagination.
By the way, you can eat so 5-6 times per day, with 2-2,5 hour breaks, as nutritionists usually recommend. Then you will not need to feed your body with fast-food, and on getting home there will be no temptation to grab the food and eat up everything that is in the refrigerator.
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