How to Get Rid of a Pimple Overnight

Nov 22


Priya Mehta

Priya Mehta

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Yes, you can get rid of pimples overnight! It sounds like a magical solution but it is true. There are various natural, home-made treatments that have...

Yes,How to Get Rid of a Pimple Overnight Articles you can get rid of pimples overnight! It sounds like a magical solution but it is true. There are various natural, home-made treatments that have can heal pimples within hours. Here are some of the remedies that will you cure acne pimples in a very short span. Ice pack remedy Step I: The first thing you need to do before going to bed is cleaning your face to remove all the dirt, oil and grime. It is advisable to use a salicylic acid based cleanser, but if you are allergic to salicylic acid just wash your face with cold water. When using a salicylic acid based cleanser, make sure that you are washing your face gently, as salicylic acid may irritate skin, only to compound skin problem. Use a clean and soft towel to pat dry your skin. Step II: Apply an ice pack on your face, which helps reduce the inflammation. The ice pack should be placed directly on the pimple for about two minutes. Take a break for a minute and place the ice pack on the pimples again for about two minutes. The process has to be repeated for about 15 minutes. If the pimples are there on both the sides of face, process has to be done separately for both sides. Step III: Wash your face again when you are done with ice pack application. Apply a gel on the pimples in small quantity. Make sure that gel is never close to the eyes. Moreover, you should never rub the gel vigorously. Step IV: Rinse off the gel when you wake up in the morning, first with lukewarm water and then with cold water. Honey and tea tree oil remedy Honey has a wide range of benefits for skin, from moisturiser to antiseptic. When combined with tea tree oil, honey serves helps get rid of minor pimples. Lemon juice remedy Lemon juice remedy works great when there are pimples on nose or forehead. All you need to do is apply lemon juice on the affected area before going to bed and let it dry overnight. When you wash your face next morning with water, the pimples become less noticeable and may go off completely as well. Honey and cinnamon face mask remedy Mix a tablespoon of honey and cinnamon powder to form a sticky paste. Apply this mixture on the face overnight and wash it off in the morning.