To be able to solve the acne problem we must first understand what is the cause of the problem. By doing a lot of research and based on my personal experience I managed to discover and understand why is this problem even happening and why is it common to a lot of people. And then, of course, I found the way to resolve it forever.
Over the years I have been facing with various medical conditions that are in medical terms considered to be incurable. Those are conditions that are not life-threatening but are seriously damaging the quality of life in some areas. Sometimes a damaged self esteem caused by some seemingly non serious medical condition can turn into really dangerous and destructive one. After all, there are so many news about young lives being destroyed by various eating disorders. Some people would say that is just the matter of distorted self image but I can clearly see the wider picture. We are taught to look at our bodies as something highly limited, irreparable and sensitive. Sometimes in such an extent that is seems like we are not designed properly for this world. It seems that we have forgotten who we are and what an amazing thing we can do. This widely spread mindset have always intrigued me and push me in my day to day research. Not only that I wanted to find the answers for my conditions, I wanted to understand better the source of all that false beliefs that humans have about them selves.
At the time I was suffering with an acne problem. Some people might be thinking that that kind of medical condition is not worth to mention. That it does not look nice, that is for sure, but there are much bigger problems that need to be solve. But people who suffer with this problem understand very well what I am talking about. It can sometimes become really serious and even painful. That is when it stops being just aesthetic problem.
Driven by this mindset, I started doing research to find out what is causing acne. I immediately became aware of one big mistake that we are doing. It we even dare to think about the cause, we are easily convinced by other people that the cause is something so big and complex that we cannot have any influence on it, or if we do, it is way to hard to perform it. We can find evidence by just looking at the acne problem. There are stacks and stacks of websites and books that say it is caused by hormones, oily skin, pollution and all other things that we can not have influence on. And that it is necessary to do daily treatments that are way too complicated and take too much time.
But let me tell you something that I realised a long time ago. Right solutions are always the simple ones. Anything that is complicated is probably not the right thing. And this is true even in this case.
I remember one day when I visited my grandparents. They were wondering how I, and almost every other young person, have this acne problem. They said to me that when they were young it didn't even exist! This really made me think. That means hormones and pollution don't have anything to do with it. Or at least they are not the main cause. Short after that, I found the solution by reading an old book that my mom borrowed from colleague. And I was right. The cause comes from the inside and therefore needs to be treated from the inside. It is clear why our grandparents did not have this kind of problem. Their alimentation was a lot different. It was based on mainly fresh non toxic vegetables and fruits.
Processed food, dairy products and wheat are one of the main causes of acne. When we look at processed food, it is obviously not normal that a certain food can be sealed in a box and stay fresh for years. And when it comes to dairy products it is clear that it can't be something good. Milk is a special food that nature designed for mammals to drink while they are babies. All other mammals stop drinking it after a certain period of time except humans! Our bodies are incapable of fully digesting it, and the same goes with wheat.
There are many medical studies that show a huge range of problems caused by milk and all other dairy products. Cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, cancer, allergies, asthma, neurological diseases, digestive diseases and acne are just some of them. The list is too long. It is commonly believed that milk is good for our bones but the newest medical studies show that it is actually causing osteoporosis in such a way that it is decreasing the overall level of calcium in human body. Our skin is like a mirror of what is happening inside of the body. Problem with acne is just and indicator of chaos caused by eating these types of foods.