How To Improve The Taste Of Tap Water The Healthy Way
The taste of your tap water is very much due to the quality, which are vary according to the city or region you live in, the water treatment methods u...
The taste of your tap water is very much due to the quality,

which are vary according to the city or region you live in, the water treatment methods used by local municipal , or how long the water take to reach you. However, most water consumers agree that the taste and healthfulness of tap water is not always up to par. Most treatment systems do not or not able to remove all undesirable contaminants, chemicals and bacteria. which are the main source or the cause of the taste. Chlorine is usually the major cause of taste and odor in water, but there are likely several other undesirable contaminants present in your water.So, you may ask; What can I add to my tap water to make it taste better ? Before we proceed further, I must highlight that we are not referring to adding flavor to the tap water here.If you have tried drinking clean and pure water from a natural source, it could be from the unpolluted mountain, or may be well preserved stream. you will then understand how delicious the pure water can be. As for ancient chinese till these day, the best water to go with tea is the water from the mountain. Where the water is as pure water as the nature originally intended to be. This is simply the unpolluted natural water is free of chlorine, contaminants and other chemicals substances. Another factor giving its good taste are the presence of natural trace of minerals inside the water is untouched. This is why, most commercial company always use purified water to make their drink. Whether the tap water taste good or not, the true fact is not " what can I add to my tap water to make it taste better", it is rather what do I need to remove from it and what do I have to leave undisturbed, which will give the good taste to tap water. Starting with what you need to remove from the tap water are bacteria, virus, or other microorganisms, you may wish to consider a reverse osmosis system or distiller. On the other hand, carbon water filters are effectively at removing chlorine and fluoride. From the definition above, you can figure out that , different type of water filtration system can only remove certain specific substances depends on the filtration nature. A multi stage filtration system is able to do just all that. Aquarian is just one of the few water purification provider to provide this multi stage filtration system. Now we will look at what is there must remain in the tap water. It is the trace of minerals which contribute to the good taste of tap water and also of essential important to our body in terms of bones, immune system, blood system and many more benefits. Most filtration methods take away all these trace of minerals which make the water tasteless and really plain. So, having to be concerned about the question of " what can I add to my tap water to make it taste better ", some water filters company would install a final compartment to replenish the loss of minerals into the tap water. The true fact is , these mineral supplements are not as good as the trace of minerals originally dissolve in the water and might not taste as good.If you seriously thinking about " what can I add to my tap water to make it taste better", I must warn you not to go for synthetic additive. The artificial flavor which you are about to add into the tap water mostly contain chemicals which are harmfully to our body system. Drinking purified tap water is good, but if you are really thinking of " what can I add to my tap water to make it taste better ', try something like lemonade, honey, dry rose butt or some other natural ingredients that able to please your taste butt. Don't you ever include any artificial flavor or synthetic chemicals, if you do, you might as well remove your water filter.