How to Keep White Teeth?
It's about how to keep white teeth.
To some extent,

teeth colour can be seen as a reflection of health status. Some have white and beautiful teeth while others have not. As white teeth can bring good smiles good impressions to others, many people try hard to whiten their teeth. Here are some tips about how to keep white teeth.
Oral hygiene
As we know, the colour of healthy teeth is white. It is based on oral health. If you want to have white teeth, the first step is to keep it sanitary. You can brush teeth after meals for at least twice a day and it would prevent some virus growth which may change teeth colour and cause other teeth problems.
Good diet habits
Bad diet habits can bring many oral problems. One of them is abnormal teeth colour. Some food, such as chocolates, coffee and wine, can leave stains on your teeth. If you get used to eating such food do not clear them away on time, the stains are likely to colour your teeth gradually. When you realize the changing colour, it will be hard to get rid of. If the colour does not change to much, household toothpastes and toothbrushes can be helpful.
Special teeth whitening
Some people may seek for some special medicine that turns teeth back to white in a short period. You should be cautious if you want to be one of them. As there are many types of whitening products, you can not identify which one is good and which one is qualified. Unluckily, you may get the worst choice which ruin your teeth. It's time for you to go to a dentist to get a good answer before you make any choice.
In a word, you will have white teeth as long as you can keep oral hygiene and good diet.