Thyroid cancer is the type of cancer that occurs in the thyroid gland. While its symptoms may be assumed to be similar to those of other minor/tempora...
Thyroid cancer is the type of cancer that occurs in the thyroid gland. While its symptoms may be assumed to be similar to those of other minor/temporary conditions,

there are some that get worse as the cancer snowballs into a severe stage. As is for all types of cancer, even thyroid cancer can be treated if it is diagnosed on early one and to diagnose thyroid cancer early on, one must bewares of its symptoms.
Early Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer
In the first stages of the disease, the symptoms barely show up. It is only when the cancer has developed into another stage that the symptoms begin to appear. Most of the first symptoms of thyroid problems do not cause change in thyroid function.
Advanced Symptoms
Advanced thyroid cancer symptoms show up when the cancer would have developed to the next stage. Take a look at some of the advances thyroid cancer symptoms below.
1. Lump or nodule in the neck: this is one of the most common advanced cancer stage symptoms. If you notice a lump or nodule in your neck, especially on its front, get yourself an appointment with the doctor to help diagnose the medical problem.
2. Enlargement of the neck: the neck enlarges beyond its limit.
3. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck: these may be difficult to spot, though you may experiences discomfort or pain in the neck quit frequently.
4. Change in voice: since the thyroid gland is located close to the voice box, you experience changes in your voice in with the enlargement of the neck and lymph nodes. These changes may include hoarseness in voice, inability to speak normally, etc.
5. A feeling of choking when eating food, difficulty in swallowing food even when you bite and chew them into fragments.
6. Difficulty in breathing because the enlargement of the lymph nodes will cause squeeze the wind pipe making it difficult to breathe.
7. Pain in the throat or neck. You may find it difficult or uneasy to wear neckties, scarves, turtlenecks, necklaces, etc.
8. Chronic or persistent cough that is not because of exposure to allergens or other illnesses.
9. Nodules that give the impresses that the whole of the thyroid is moving when you manipulate it. This is a sign of an aggressive form of thyroid cancer.
10. If you experience unexplained and severe headache, the cancer may have metastasised to the brain.