How to overcome baldness
Nature has everything in its control. You cannot alter according to your will. Everything in nature when grows or lives has to come to an end or reduce in quantity till it vanishes. This is nature. Neither you nor I can deny it.
However nature has benefitted us greatly. First and foremost it has gifted the humans with a wonderful brain that can think of and produce new and varied things for the betterment of life. The humans can also make new researches to develop ways to prolong life span and to counteract the diseases and irregularities of human body system.
One such problem is baldness. What is baldness? Baldness is the gradual loss of hair from the scalp. This loss is caused due to many reasons. If you find out the reasons then you can too beat this problem. The main causes are:
- Baldness could result due to hereditary factor. Fault in the genetic code can lead to this loss and this is very difficult to cure. Many home remedies can be tried or you can go for surgical treatment as the last chance.
- Lack of iron content in the blood can also cause hair fall. This is mainly observed in mothers who have delivered children. They are advised to take iron capsules for a long time so that it counteracts the loss during the carrying period.
- People of the tropical countries specially avoid the application of oil on the hair. This makes the root weak and soon hair starts falling.
- Those that work for long hours under the sun heat tend to have excess heat on the scalp which makes the hair follicles dry and brittle. Hair starts losing their grip and starts falling.
- Use of different shampoos can also harm the hair growth.
- Presence of dandruff is also the reason for hair loss. Dandruff is a fungal infection that slowly eats into the scalp and causes hair fall.
- Combing the hair is like giving exercise to the scalp and keeps the hair in good condition. Without this the scalp is in activated and loses the hair growth and grip; this causes hair fall.
- Mental satisfaction and a peaceful life also attributes to healthy hair growth. Tension and anxiety leads to hair fall too.
Many remedies are there for the development of hair growth and to preserve the hair from undue hair loss.
- The first thing to do is to apply hair oil every alternate day. This gives the hair its nourishment and preserves the hair from falling. Coconut oil is far best than any other oils.
- Iron capsules are to be taken every night for at least six months. This can be accompanied with iron rich diet too.
- Diet rich in iron like spinach,
raisins, dates and figs should be included daily.
- Iron capsules can be broken and applied directly over the scalp after shampoo to achieve desired result.
- Proper use of shampoo and good quality ones should be used.
- Massage the scalp regularly. Comb the hair at least once in a day.
- Meditation and a peace full life help hair growth.
- Radish has been known from ages to aid in hair growth. Consume radish juice daily for better results.
- Jojoba oil has also benefitted the hair loss problem. Use this oil on a daily basis.
Let’s see how some homemade applications can help prevent hair loss.
- As said before radish benefits the hair growth. Prepare the radish juice by taking a piece of radish and cut it into two half. Put it in a vessel and add honey to it. Now heat it for few minutes. Now let it cool. You can drink it or even apply it over the scalp to get better results. When you apply it over the scalp then leave it on scalp for the whole night and wash it the following day. This helps to remove the dandruff also.
- Another remedy is to wrap the head with wet cloth. Now wrap another dry cloth over the wet one. And now a thick bed sheet is wrapped over it. The excess heat in the head is removed by the wet cloth and warmth is created. The pores get opened due to this warmth and trigger the hair growth.
- A paste made of grinded onion seeds with water is applied over the scalp. Let it dry and then wash the scalp. This is also a trusted home remedy.
- Applying lemon juice over the scalp helps to remove dandruff and promotes hair growth.
So I guess that everyone is going to have good dense hair growth soon.