Some simple tips will help you to prevent allergies at home. One of the things you should do is to vacuum the surfaces at your home more often.
A person doesn't have to be pre-disposed to develop allergies or acquire asthma-like symptoms. Dust and allergens are all around us and we must do a favour to our health and keep our house and the air we breathe clean. It's not hard to reduce the amount of allergens in your house. Here are the basic things you must do.
#1. Frequent Vacuum Cleaning
The first thing that can come to your mind. Dust is everywhere and all you can do is make sure it doesn't gather too much. It's not a bad idea to invest in high quality vacuums with a HEPA filter. Also the Roomba cleaning robot can do a lot to ease your housework. The latest editions also come with an air purifier. Even though allergens are usually on surfaces and rarely in the air, it's always good to have a device, which can filter the air.
#2. Carpet Cleaning
Even the best vacuum in the world might have some problems with certain things that stick on your carpet. In these cases, you need a deep carpet cleaning to be sure there are no allergens. What kind of things can stick on your carpet? Dust mites - one of the primary source for allergies. Dust mites are microscopic bugs, which usually infest your bed, and eat your flesh, while you sleep. Even if you have your bed sanitized, you can be sure that the next place they will be is the carpet. You need professional team to clear your whole house from these insects, but you're also able to take matter into your own hands and decrease their population significantly. The method is called steam cleaning. Carpet cleaning in Kennington specialists claim hot pressured water (above 60 degrees C) can kill them no problem.
#3. Animal dander
The other serious allergens. If you have pets, you can be sure, there's dander all over your house. Dander is shedding of dead skin cells from your animals. In addition, it's not only dangerous for your health, but it also produces unpleasant odor. Vacuuming takes care of it no problem and additionally you'll have to open the windows more often to let air circulate in your home for the odor to go away.
#4. Deal With Mould
They accumulate where there is a lot of moisture – like under the kitchen sink, the bathroom, sometimes around the window frames. It won't be a waste of time to check your house for damages and do a quick renovation to make sure no moisture will create lower life where it shouldn't be.
#5. Deal With Pests
Pests are everywhere and they might be scanning your house right now, searching for vulnerable spots and wondering where to attack. Especially cockroaches – the most difficult insects to fight. So renovation doesn't sound like a bad idea. Search for cracks and other damages in y our interior and exterior. Don't let them get in. And don't forget, the cleaner you keep your house, the more it's possible that they just lose interest in your home and go away by themselves.
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