How to remove moles
This is a very expansive article which talks about mole, it's causes and natural remedies for it's removal. This is very useful to people seeking homemade remedies to get rid of moles. With a little patience, desired results can surely be achieved.
Do not think that the only way to remove moles is to undergo surgery. But there are simple remedies,

that you can try at home. For some people, moles serve as identification marks, especially when they have appeared since birth.
Causes for moles include genetic factors and environmental factors. If you are involved in a job that requires you to work in sunlight, then you are prone to develop excessive moles and melanoma. If your parents or close relatives have a lot of moles, it would come as no surprise, if you too have moles all over your body. Hereditary factors play an important role in mole formation. Moles can also be formed due to the presence of too much pigment cells or melanocytes. You may have noticed pregnant women having more moles than usual. This indicates a relationship between mole formation and hormonal activity in the body. Moles can form during the period of puberty, a known phase of various hormonal changes.
It wouldn't make sense to seek remedies to remove your mole, if they make you look more beautiful. If they are positioned wrongly, then you may apply some home remedies. Prevention of moles can be done by covering parts of your face and body often exposed to sunlight with Vaseline. When this treatment is intensively followed on a regular basis, then you can prevent moles from increasing in number.
You might be willing to know as to 'how to remove a mole'? Did you know moles can be removed by coriander? It is so easy to do. Grind the coriander seeds until you have a paste. If you apply this paste on the moles on a regular basis, moles will be gone in a few weeks.
Another effective option is flaxseeds. However, you cannot use them as direct application. You have to buy flaxseeds both in oil and seed forms. Flaxseed is first finely ground into powder and it is mixed with the flaxseed oil and a teaspoon of honey. Rub the mixture on the moles or areas of the face and body that has moles and warts. Let it stay for around an hour then rinse with water.
Dandelion is a plant known for its medicinal qualities. Many skin problems have been treated with it. Therefore, it may also be used to get rid of moles. The dandelion root can be cut and then rubbed on the moles. You need to apply a little pressure, while rubbing. In this way, the juice from the dandelion root will ooze out and start spreading on the surface area of moles. Even warts on the face will be covered by the milky juice. After half an hour, you can wash your face with lukewarm water. This procedure can be repeated for around three times on each day.
You might not be getting a quick result in these home remedies, but the serious side effects in medications can be avoided. A few months of regular application of this treatment and you will be seeing results. The moles will fade out and will blend well with the skin tone. Then you won't be able to see the contours of the moles.
I hope that this article helps you to remove moles.