How to Sleep in a Half an Hour Later Each Day
Who wouldn't want to be able to sleep in for 30 minutes every day? These tips will help you achieve this!
Whether you get up with the early birds at 5:00 in the morning or it’s later in the day,
mostly everyone would like to sleep in a little more.
You also want to avoid the confusion and rush that can happen when your family is trying to get clean, dressed and fed all at the same time.
Here are some tips to get you that extra shuteye and reduce anxiety in the morning hours.
In the Kitchen.
- Set the table and prepare breakfast items. Lay out breakfast dishes and have cereal ready to go or have it stored in an area where kids can reach it easily. Prep any other items you might serve. A breakfast smoothie is both nutritious and easy. You can have many of the items in the blender and stored in the fridge until you add the final ingredients in the morning and press a button. This breakfast alternative can also be consumed while doing some other tasks.
- Have vitamins and medications ready to be taken at the breakfast table or even each place setting.
- Use a coffee pot with a timer. Set up the night before and the aroma of fresh brewed coffee is sure to get you up and moving.
- Prepare lunches when making dinner. Prepare as much of this in advance as possible. If the children always take a bag of small carrots, cookies or crackers do several and store them in zip locked plastic bags in the appropriate portion sizes that are also an easy grab.
Have a launching pad. This is best by the exiting door but it could be else where.
- Have a basket by the door labeled for each family member for scarves, gloves, and other personal items.
- For children, get home work together and in knapsack.
- For adults, have briefcases, purses, gym and hobby bags at launching pad.
- Know where your keys are. Always return and keep in the same place.
- Have items that need to be returned like videos and library books. This is also a good place for dry cleaning and store returns (with receipts) so you can quickly grab when you know you will be in the area. If there are a lot of things to get in your car take some in the night before.
- Create checklists for different bags or activities- diaper bag, gym bag, and overnight bag. Have a bulletin board to post these checklists. You can also post a calendar with notices for birthday parties and other events.
The night before.
- Review your calendar and know what’s up for the following day and look ahead for the coming days.
- Prepare the clothes to be worn the next day (get the children to do this as well).
- Take a shower or bath the night before.
- Get to bed at a reasonable hour for you and create a routine and environment conducive to sleeping well.
- Try simplifying your toiletries or cosmetic routine. Is there is a product that might work better – a combination shampoo or conditioner? Revisit your make up and hair routine and see if there are some ways to save time.
- Try carpooling or sharing some other duties.
- Get a real sense of how much time things take.
- Organized closets, bathrooms, kitchen cupboards and pantries can save you valuable time. Edit and group like things together so you can find things quickly and without a lot of effort.
- Create a binder or board to keep birthday invites, school activities info and signed sheets to return to teachers.
- If your needs change based on the day of the week you could arrange a small area or a shelf that allows you to transfer items the next time you need them. This could work if you teach or take a class, work with a specific client on one day of the week or have other responsibilities that are scheduled on certain days.
- Have a morning routine list for you and the kids. It will keep you on track and after a while you just get in the habit of doing everything.
Start your day off on the right track with some new organizing tips and tricks that give you the extra sleep you and your family crave.