Getting a mammogram today could actually save your life and it could even protect you from risks of acquiring breast cancer in your lifetime.
Mammography and self exams have saved so many lives and it can save even more,

provided women perform their monthly self exams and schedule their annual mammograms. For most women, however, getting a mammogram is as scary as getting their teeth fixed. They would rather wait until the symptoms are too hard to ignore before they decide to make an appointment. This is understandable considering the fact that breast cancer is not as simple as getting a cavity filled.
Most women are unsure what to look for when doing a self-examination, so they opt to not do it at all and wait for their annual visit to their gynecologist, putting their complete blind faith in his or her decision. Self exams may not be as conclusive as a mammogram or ultrasound, but it can give most women a head start on a course of action to take.
Do you know what to look for?
It pays to know the early signs of breast cancer or what to look for. Clinical studies have shown that early detection has a tremendous impact on survival rate among women diagnosed with the disease.
Two leading health agencies in the US, the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society, have outlined a number of warning signs that one can look for upon performing a breast self-exam:
1.) A noticeable change in how the breast looks; its size and shape.
2.) A thickening of underlying tissue or the presence of a lump in areas surrounding the breast or in the underarms.
3.) Feeling of discomfort, like a warm sensation around the breast region.
4.) A rash on the breast, especially on the nipple.
5.) A sunken nipple or nipple turned inward.
6.) Pain on the nipple or tenderness when touched.
7.) Change in the size and shape of the nipple.
8.) Watery discharge or blood coming out of the nipple.
9.) Swelling or dimpling of the skin; irritation or redness.
Pain is not a conclusive gauge that there is breast cancer; in fact, pain is more likely a symptom of a breast disease that is benign rather than malignant. Do not take any chances though, it is best to consult your doctor when there is recurring pain or if pain accompanies any of the warning signs.
Kelly Henderson discovered a lump on her breast through self-examination, so did Joyce Schmidt of Dallas, Texas. Both have survived Breast Cancer and are now leading normal lives because they discovered the disease during its early stage.
Why wait for your doctor to say “it is too late”! Your life is not someone else’s responsibility – it’s your own. So take the first step today in making sure you do not become another victim of breast cancer. A breast self-exam can make it happen.
It’s your choice.