How to Stop the Dreaded Wattle Using Facial Exercise

Jan 29


Cynthia Rowland

Cynthia Rowland

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Ever looked at your profile and think there must be something growing under your chin?


Ever looked at your profile and think there must be something growing under your chin? 

Has the "growth" progressed beyond a tiny hangy-down thing?

Is it the dreaded wattle and is it absolutely detracting from your good looks?

Grab your mirror and see what is happening with your profile.

Does your neck appear youthful or does your neck make you look matronly or even elderly?  

Do you wear a turtleneck year round or try to hide your appearance with scarves?  If so,How to Stop the Dreaded Wattle Using Facial Exercise Articles you might be interested in knowing that this condition probably isn't exactly hereditary and why you have this challenge.

Your neck supports the weight of your head.  So if your neck and shoulder muscles are weak, your posture is affected by this weakness; this weakness can make your head position look strangely aligned and this look contributes to the look of old.  This condition is easily seen when comparing photographs of a person throughout their lifetime; the neck and upper back seem to be affected by aging as the shoulders round and the upper body loses its definition.

Oh great – in addition to an old looking neck and chin, I bet your face is showing your age, too.  Right? 

A face and neck that is losing its youthful look can sap your confidence and even produce sad feelings as you say good bye to vibrant, toned and tightened facial features.  Feeling like this can "speed up" the process as you smile less and notice deepening lines and downturned mouth corners.

What to do?  Surgery?  Is surgery the best choice for a more youthful face and neck?

No, in fact, surgery should be the very last thing to consider if you want to have a younger looking appearance. 

Cutting perfectly healthy tissue in the name of beauty means your face or your neck will never look the same. 

Witness post-surgical photos of women and men - usually celebrities - who unsuccessfully try to buy back their youth.  They can afford the very best in cosmetic care but most look like they've been subjected to wind tunnels, unnatural torture methods and strange contortions in the name of beauty and health.  Even after spending tons of dough, they're stuck with a face that friends and family wonder why they messed with Mother Nature.

These results can be very unappealing as the nose tips continue to drop and the Cupid's bow is splayed after repeated lip injections.  Usually we see the facial features pulled tightly in directions that do not appear natural at all.  How and why in the name of beauty does this happen?

Linda Wells – Editor in Chief, Allure Magazine believes the cosmetic surgery trend is toward "Relatable beauty".   What does that mean?  Will surgeons stop cutting and suturing?  Will men and women look toward more natural methods to look younger and healthier?

"The idea is that we all want to look the best we can _ that's the purpose of beauty products _ it's not to look like a model but it's to look like your best self."      Ellen Degeneres – Cover Girl's new spokesperson.

Beauty products that come from the tip of a syringe or a scalpel always have side effects.  Sometimes these side effects can become permanent disfigurements.

Reliable beauty is attained when only natural means are used.  Like exercise.  Exercise works for the body and exercise can work for the face.  Not contortions or scrunches or contortions but tried and true resistance exercise with contraction movements will enhance the facial features.

Facial exercise will change your face from the inside out.  In just days you will see eyebrows lifting, while cheeks lift and smooth; your lower mouth, neck and even the dreaded wattle will look noticeably improved.  Consistent exercise will help you look ten to fifteen years younger in about twelve weeks.

This safe, sane method of enhancement saves you money and keeps you from harm's way.  Without the threat of embarrassing flubs, you can naturally improve your looks using your thumbs and fingers in white cotton gloves.

Throw out the turtlenecks, says goodbye to the wattle and "hello beautiful" to the new you!