How To Treat A Psoriasis Flare Up - Top 3 Tips
Find out what you can do to lessen the occurence and severity of a psoriasis flare up here.
A psoriasis flare up can be a regular and painful occurrence when you have this unpleasant condition. As there are no well documented cures for psoriasis,

it is important that you do things right to help stop these. If you do not deal with a flare up, then you may end up with a worse condition than when it first began. However, there are a few simple guidelines that you should follow. You first task is to find your personal triggers, and remember these will differ between individuals. What follows, is three realistic tips on the best way to keep a psoriasis flare up at bay.1. Changing Your Lifestyle.Sorry, but you must make some vital changes to your lifestyle if you have not done this already, as this will help avoid a psoriasis flare up. I'm sure you have heard this before, but you must reduce or hopefully quit smoking and any alcohol intake as these are quite common triggers. Do try and not to get too stressed, and if you find yourself in this situation often, try and find a way to help you relax. Try and get plenty sleep. Insuffient sleep may lead to you getting stressed out more quickly.2. Your DietAs significant as lifestyle, when coping with a psoriasis flare up you need to keep a check on your diet. I am letting you know that it’s not something to overlook. It helps to eat a balanced and healthy diet, cutting down substantially on junk food and alcohol. Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking plenty of plain water which is something a lot of people simply fail to do.3. SkincareFinally, when trying to prevent a psoriasis flare up, you should treat your skin very carefully. Basic but routine habits will encourage a better looking skin. Bathe in tepid, not hot water and when you get out, softly pat yourself dry rather than rub. Thoroughly moisturise your skin frequently and especially after you bathe. Do not use anything that is fragranced as this may bring on an attack. Wear natural cotton close to your skin as it is least likely to affect you. If you have to go out in the full sun, make sure you use plenty high SP factor sunscreen, and do this well before you are exposed. Lastly, please don’t scratch!! Again, make sure you moisturise adequately, as this will help. You just know once you start, how difficult it is to stop!As mentioned earlier, preventing a psoriasis flare up means that you want to make sure that you do not make silly mistakes that just end up with pain and discomfort. Try and keep a diary of when your flare ups happen. This will help you see if there is a pattern and identify triggers.There is plenty you can do to lessen the impact of a psoriasis flare up and keep it at bay. For more information on potential 'cures' and other things you can do, pay a visit to