The hunger therapy is one of the self healing methods of an organism. With any other technique you are supposed to influence the body from outside (it can be medical, physical therapy or other influence). At the nestiatria (or hunger therapy) you simply let an organism to heal itself.
The hunger therapy is one of the self healing methods of an organism. With any other technique you are supposed to influence the body from outside (it can be medical, physical therapy or other influence). At the nestiatria (or hunger therapy) you simply let an organism to heal itself. Most of external factors, which surround us, unfortunately, cause a considerable harm to an organism. Sedentary way of life, inappropriate eating habits, bad ecology and permanent stresses - here are the enemies of our health. Those treatment methods which are offered by the official medicine do not solve the problem. Trying to cure an illness, doctors do not treat its reason. And often the used medications only complicate a situation. A man begins from healing one disease and concludes treatment with the whole bouquet of side effects. Certainly, it is far simpler to visit a doctor and do not think about anything anymore. Just take pills and you'll forget about the problem. But it is quite not so. The natural mechanisms of self-healing of an organism get out of order because of the permanent use of medications. Just as broken bones can knit themselves, any disease can pass without outer interference. Our organism has a great number of possibilities to help itself, just do not impede. But you can say that you really do not prevent an organism from healing itself independently. Though it is in fact not true. Have you ever thought that digestion of food also takes a lot of energy? After a hearty dinner you get lazy, and you even have no power to move. These precious forces spent for digestion of meal an organism can use for self-healing. That is the main secret of a starvation effect. With the help of the hunger therapy you can treat a great number of diseases, but the most widespread problems are: obesity and all its consequences (hypertension, heart diseases, and problems with joints), slags and all its consequences (allergy, vessels problems, colds etc), nervous overstrains and depression. The hunger therapy is forbidden without a medical supervision at pancreatic diabetes, serious heart and liver diseases, and also at tuberculosis. The nestiatria is not allowed during pregnancy and is not desirable at breast-feeding - your organism can take it as a signal of "hard times" and stop producing milk. Certainly, a child age also is a contraindication to the nestiatria. If you are a very brave person and still want to take chance in spite of the above-stated illnesses, let your experiment last no longer than two days. Further hunger therapy can be conducted only under a supervision of specialists. A relatively healthy man with an experience of the nestiatria can control the state himself. But at first stages the longest term of a starvation diet is only five days. If you decided to try the nestiatria for the first time, before all you should learn the possible consequences. In the first day of a hunger therapy you will probably feel a headache. Such symptom happens in case you have an insufficient supply of liquid during the hungry therapy, and also if you ignore cleansing procedures (enemas) which are desirable to be done everyday. Sometimes a nausea and even a vertigo can bother you. But usually such symptoms do not show up in the first three days. Probably you will be a bit languid. A rhigosis can emerge from the second day. You can reduce this symptom by drinking a bit warmed-up water. The basic rule of hunger therapy is to avoid taking pills. Otherwise there is no sense in the procedure. Try to make the first two days of the nestiatria in a weekend. Do not overstrain yourself with domestic chores.
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