A periodontist comprises an important branch of the dental profession. Without them, the health of people's gums, among other things, would be in jeopardy.
There are some in society who resort to natural remedies as their way of life. They believe the do-it-yourself lifestyle is the best and only option to solve problems and get things done. Although this frame of mind can prove successful in some instances,

it's not always true. Seeking help from a professional source can many times be the best idea.
Imagine someone who decides that they will go through life constantly going against all of the advances of society, because they don't necessarily trust the new technology. They especially have issues with the medical field. They've heard many horror stories about people who have had bad experiences as a result of a medicine or procedure provided by a medical professional.
So, it was a no-brainer for them to attempt to take care of their own dental work when a problem suddenly began to arise. For days they had been having pain in their gums. So, instead of seeking the help of a periodontist, they sought the advice of one of their like-minded friends, who lived next door.
"I've been having this horrible pain in my mouth and I'm not sure what to do," they said. "I'm definitely not going to a periodontist or anything. I don't really trust those mainstream doctors."
Their friend nodded in agreement.
"I'm with you on that one," they said. "I actually know someone who deals with natural dental remedies and they should be able to help you. So, I'll get in touch with them and stop by your house later and let you know what they say."
After about 3 hours, the neighbor rang the doorbell.
"Hey, I'm so glad you came back so quickly," they said. "What did you find?"
"Well, here is a pain soothing gel for gums they created for you," said the neighbor. "You put it on your gums every night and it should make the pain go away after about a week."
After using the gel for the suggested amount of time, they found that the pain had only gotten worse. So, they decided to use it for a few more days, just to see if it might work. Things seemed to be improving until one day they woke up in the middle of the night with an unbearable pain in their gums. This time the pain had spread to even more places than before.
Their first inclination and action was to take an excessive amount of the soothing gel and rub it furiously on their gums, nearly using the entire container. Eventually the pain minimized and they were able to get a couple of hours of sleep.
The next morning they woke up, with the pain almost moving them to tears. So, they quickly rushed back over to their next-door neighbor's home and rang the doorbell.
"Hey, how's it going?" their neighbor asked. "You look disturbed, is everything okay?"
"No, but can you please let me borrow your phone book?" they asked.
"Sure, but what seems to be the problem?" asked the concerned neighbor.
"I need to find the number to a periodontist as soon as possible."