Hypertension Treatments Revealed

Jun 29


Remcel Mae P. Canete

Remcel Mae P. Canete

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Different medications to treat hypertension.


Hypertension or commonly known as high blood pressure is termed as a “silent killer” because sometimes it manifests zero symptoms; but,Hypertension Treatments Revealed Articles if there is any it includes headache, breathing difficulties, blurred vision, rapid pulse, or dizziness. Hypertension is normally caused by aging, emotional stress, food, overeating, and hereditary; and, other causes are tobacco, oral contraceptives, coffee or tea, drug abuse, and high sodium intake.

To fully guide hypertension patients and their respective caregivers (may it be a member of the family or a hired professional practitioner) it is a basic pre-requisite to acquaint one’s self with the different drug medications.  With the objective to preserve life, Canada Drugs Online enumerates various medical hypertension medications and treatments for further guidance and reference.

Thiazide diuretics

Diuretics are also known as water pills.  They work on your kidneys to cleanse it from sodium and water, thus decreasing the blood volume.  They are usually the first medications prescribed to treat your hypertension but not the only option. 

Beta blockers

Beta blockers are not effective if not paired with thiazide diuretics.  Beta blockers lessen the load of your heart by opening its blood vessels.  In effect, your heart makes use of reduced effort to beat, which is slower compared to the abnormal fast rate when undergoing hypertension.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

ACE inhibitors let your blood vessels breath by stopping the production of a harmful chemical which blocks the passage of your blood vessels.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers

This is another medication that helps your blood vessels by preventing the action and not the formation of the previously mentioned harmful chemical which blocks your blood vessels.

Calcium channel blockers

To fully aid your blood vessels, calcium channel blockers are prescribed to relax its muscles by decelerating your heart rate.  You have to note as well that some foods and liquids even if healthy and nutritious may cause negative interactions with your medications.  An example is a grapefruit juice which enhances the levels of your blood as a side effect of this medication when taken together with the juice; hence, risking your life more.

Renin inhibitors

Renin is an enzyme created by your kidneys which starts a series of chemical reactions causing the acceleration of your blood pressure.  In lieu, renin’s activity has to be controlled, and it is possible with the use of aliskiren (tekturna).  That is, tekturna disables renin to begin the chain reaction.

If above medications do not work even if combined (for maximum results), other medications such as alpha blockers, alpha-beta blockers, central-acting agents and vasodilators are commonly prescribed to reach the desired lowered blood pressure.

Therefore, with above list it is up to you and your doctor which will fit your physical condition best.  Canada Drugs Online is here to assist you on your drugs and pharmaceutical needs.  You can place your order any time and any day of the week and your order confirmation will surely be given within 24 hours.  Your health and recovery is our main priority.  Hence, expect nothing but the cream of the crop when it comes to your health maintenance with Canada Drugs Online .