Hypoglycemia: A Disease?
Lowering High Blood Pressure in WomenHigh blood pressure (hypertension) affects more and more women in the US. There are several reasons for thi...
Lowering High Blood Pressure in Women High blood pressure (hypertension) affects more and more women in the US. There are several reasons for this. The most important one is the overuse of antibiotics in our culture. Antibiotics not only kill disease bacteria,
but also kill off "friendly" bacteria needed in the digestive system for several important functions. A major function of these “good” bacteria is to help make the so-called "intrinsic" factor that assists the B-12 getting into the portal vein. It seems that this particular B12 molecule is a very large one, and it needs this factor to get from the digestive "gut" into the blood. There's another factor to be considered in our culture. It seems that the (birth control) "pill" prevents, or at least slows the B12 uptake as well. These two factors make women much more likely to be short in B12 than men. While in practice in the early 80's, and learning about nutrition and allergy in the new exciting field of Orthomolecular Psychology, I was using my (then) wife and myself as sort of "guinea pigs" for various nutrients. I had a prescription for B12 from an MD friend. I injected a 1ml shot of B12 to my wife and myself. It did nothing for me, but my wife immediately felt a lift of spirit and good feeling. I then measured her blood pressure, as she had been diagnosed with severe hypertension of 120/200, and was on second level treatment. To my surprise, it was 80/122. We measured her BP twice a day, and for the next three days, it stayed in the very "normal" range. On the fourth day, it started climbing again, and I gave her another shot, this time 0.5 ml (half). Within 20 minutes, it was back down to 80/120. Four days later, I gave her 0/25 ml. Same reaction. With further experimentation, we found that she needed approximately 0.22 ml every fourth day, and her hypertension disappeared. I had a radio talk show at the time, and I broadcast this anecdotal information one evening. Over the next few days, I got several women patients with hypertension. I arranged with a friendly DO to give them B12 shots and I got about half of them to report the results to me by phone. All of them that reported told me that not only had their hypertension disappeared, but they all felt much better all the time. As a sidelight, my wife had a certain tone to her voice when she was worrying about something. One evening she turned to me and said, "Did you pay the paperboy?” I immediately said, "Did you take your shot today?” She hadn't and her high blood pressure was a factor in her worrying, or perhaps it was vice versa. Since that time, I've advised dozens of women with hypertension to see if they can get a B12 shot from their physician, and failing that, start taking B12 in sublingual (under tongue) or nasal preparation. Virtually all of these have reported back that they no longer have high blood pressure. For high blood pressure a B12 injection will lower high blood pressure in most, if not all, women to "normal" levels within 20-30 minutes. Nasal and/or sublingual doses of B12 take longer. Another interesting fact: I've never found B12 deficiency to be a factor in hypertension in men. There’s still another fact. Of about 5 of the above women who had a blood assay of B12 and Folic Acid, NONE were found to be deficient. However, all who got injections found that they got an immediate "lift" from them. This tells me clearly that the standard B12 and Folic Acid test is not as reliable as simply getting a B12 shot and waiting for the "lift", which is clearly felt by all women IF THEY ARE EVEN BORDERLINE DEFICIENT! I was the first to report this in the Orthomolecular Journal in 1982. For almost all women I have advised since that time who have actually tried this, their blood pressure came down to "normal" range within a half hour or so after an injection. I usually advise starting with 0.50 ml (50 cc) with an insulin needle) to begin with. The usual B12 for injection is "cyanocobalamin". A better one is "hydroxycobalamin", and the latest form is methycobalamin. but I've found that few drugstores or hospitals carry this newer form. (Perhaps because MD's and hospital staff know little about vitamins The nasal and sublingual B12 does not work nearly as fast or as well, but it can probably be used for maintenance. And, you can get these forms in most good health food stores without prescription. There are no known bad side effects as with prescription drugs! For men, niacin probably works better than most anti-hypertension drugs. The only side effect is a harmless one of what is often described as a "flush". NUTS! For me, and lots of other people, it's like a moderate to severe sunburn and it can last up to a half hour on some. The only way for those of us that are bothered by this effect is to start with small doses, and gradually work up to large doses. (By the way - niacin also works for women). Niacin also has another good effect - it lowers cholesterol. Hope this helps you and yours!