Identifying Body Pain Types for Faster Relief
There are many types of body pain and not all pain can be relieved the same way. Once you learn how to identify the pain type you are better able to proceed with the correct type of relief.
If there were one reason why some people experience faster results with body pain relief than others,

I would say it is choosing the proper method of pain relief. The proper method is best chosen only after the type of pain has been identified. Why? Because not all pain is caused by the same underlying issue(s) and therefore not all pain can be relieved in the same way.Here are some of the many types and causes of body pain.Inflammation: This generally occurs around the joints, and involves stasis of fluids or a healing reaction to a trauma. Inflammation occurs to protect an area. Swelling: This generally occurs around the ankles or wrists, but can also occur on the face or any part of the body. Its symptom is stasis or collection of fluids leading to puffiness. The area may be either hot and reddish or cold and whitish, depending on whether it is swelling due to heat or cold. Numbness: This is caused by lack of circulation in the body. This occurs when blood flow is deficient either from an external obstruction, or from some anemic or biological blood deficiency. External causes can be from compressed nerves, from holding a limb in a fixed position for too long, or from sleeping on or resting against a limb for an extended period of time.Tingling: Like numbness, tingling is also caused by poor blood flow. However, tingling is most associated with nerve impingement or irritation. Heaviness and Stiffness: These are characterized by a dull and nagging sensation in the body. It is an achy feeling that is exacerbated by cold and damp weather and when circulation in slow, such as in the morning hours. It mostly affects the joints, neck and back, and is often temporarily relieved by hot showers or baths, where blood is able to circulate better.Distending and Throbbing Pain: These types of pain are akin to something pushing from the inside out. It is a pressing and exploding pain that tends to throb in tandem with the pulse. This is generally caused by muscle contraction.Stabbing Pain: Stabbing pain is caused by either blood stasis or both energy and blood stasis. Since blood engenders energy and energy is the motive force behind blood, stabbing pain generally includes problems with both. Think muscle spasm in the neck or shoulders that feel worse on pressure.Dull, Lingering Pain: This type of pain is not severe yet does not seem to go away. Migraine and sciatica sufferers generally describe a dull pain that lingers after their acute symptoms have subsided. Dull pains tend to become worse with exhaustion and when hunger is present, as the body is weakening and pain tolerance system is low. It is cause by a general deficiency of energy and/or blood, such as follows a lingering illness or injury.By correctly identifying your pain type you will better be able to pursue the correct relief plan, be therapy, ice or heat, acupuncture or exercise.