If you always feel tired, it’s most likely because of your lifestyle
Every year more and more people are having problems with tiredness. However, you can avoid this simply by making a couple of small changes to your everyday routine. This article talks about how nutrition, stress and exercise are related to chronic tiredness.
Most of us just don't have the time to sit down and enjoy a proper meal. We try to juggle meetings across town,

work like crazy, meeting difficult goals, and even try and squeeze twenty five hours into a day. Very often all we have time for is a very quick cup of coffee, maybe a snack and a donut from the neighborhood vendor. Sure, you might feel more energetic after such a break, but in reality you are eating the wrong food. Eventually you will start having problems with your metabolism and you'll start wondering how come I am always so very tired. In addition, while you were doing this you have deprived your body of nutrient that are essential to your health. Considering all this, it should be obvious that what you put in your mouth, lifestyle, anxiety, stress, your overall medical condition can point you in a direction towards how come you're constantly so tired.Anxiety, anger and being under stress can put a pressure on your emotional health and thus can be the reason why you're always feeling tired. The blood pressure raises and some dangerous hormones like for example adrenaline are secreted in your body. One reason why you might feel always tired soon after getting upset is that your body has to reroute its limited energy reserves to rein in the rising blood pressure and levels of hormones. In reality, losing ones temper too often is potentially fatal if you are a patient with high blood pressure with compromised cardiac status.Many of the generally prescribed drugs especially those intended to treating depression may cause you to feel always tired. Treating cancer for example often involves prolonged energy sapping treatments and eventually you might end up feeling tired all the time. People with anemia also report feeling tired. In anemia, a person has a low red blood cell count. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the cells of the body. Having a low red blood cell count may be a sing of the fact that many of the millions of cells in your body are not getting sufficient amount of oxygen. The result of this is that you’ll feel always tired much more frequently.But what can you do if you always feel tired? Clean your body with a refreshing glass of lemonade. Take fruits and vegetables in your everyday diet. These are a natural reserve of needed nutrients. Limit the consumption of beverages containing alcohol to the absolute minimum and be sure you stay away from smoking altogether. Learn to incorporate a stress free routine at home and at work. Doing this will ensure and your family will live longer and better lives. Keeping up an exercise routine like running or swimming or going to a gym is one of the best ways to keep your body in form. Plus you will not feel always tired ever again.