Immunizations-To Immunize Or Not Is Really Up To You
Many people don't realize that immunizations are not mandatory in the U.S. As a matter of fact your children can go anywhere that anyone else does even school without being immunized. The government and the school systems lead parents to believe that their children must be vaccinated many times in order to enter school but in most states all that you have to do is go to your local health department and pick up an exemption form and have it notarized.
Many people don't realize that immunizations are not mandatory in the U.S. As a matter of fact your children can go anywhere that anyone else does even school without being immunized. The government and the school systems lead parents to believe that their children must be vaccinated many times in order to enter school but in most states all that you have to do is go to your local health department and pick up an exemption form and have it notarized. By turning this form into your school they will allow your child to enter in most cases and this is completely legal.
Now you may be wondering why anyone would not want to vaccinate their child because otherwise they will get sick and die or something horrible will happen to them. In essence there are diseases out there and yes,

by choosing not to have your child immunized they could get sick but there is another side to this story in the fact that some children become sick, get injured, and even die from the immunizations that are being given and if you don't believe that just ask your doctor.
While everyone would like you to believe that immunizations are only helpful and are completely safe and harmless there is another side of immunizations that most people aren't aware of. Some light has been shed on the consequences of immunizations when a link between vaccinations and Autism was discovered but this issue was quickly swept under the rug and why, because if you knew that immunizations might not be safe then you might choose not to have them done.
And there are questions about other issues such as crib death as well as they related to the immunization schedule. Did you know that the prime age for babies to die of crib death is 3 months old and this is the same age when immunization regimens begin? Well, the government would like you to believe that this is a coincidence but is it? Are immunizations just a way of controlling the population? Of taking out the weak?
All of these things can be either considered scare tactics or something that will require and demand a lot of research before the issue can be solved. Until then, the best a parent can do is remain educated and demand that the government and the medical profession come up with some solution.