Do you have doubts about if Ephedra diet pills can help you lose weight or not? if yes, continue reading, because here are some very important information you should know about before you make you decision.
There is a lot of confusion about Ephedra diet pills whether they work or not to promote a weight loss. Most of the confusion lies in that there are many known species of Ephedra.
Today we have found around 32 known species of Ephedra from across the globe, they all differ from each other, and not all of them contains the Ephedrine Alkaloid that is the basic compound we are after when we want to use Ephedra to lose weight with.
If we want the most effective and strongest one, we should choose an Ephedra supplement that contains Ephedra from Sinica. Diet pills like Green Stinger, Yellow power and Black Ace are all excellent choices in this category.
Still very effective but not quite as strong we have the Sida Cordifolia that derives from India. That one contains Alkaloids as well, and is a very strong companion when it comes to losing weight. Sida Cordifolia Ephedra is in many diet pills today, especially the ones that come from Asia. Asia Black diet pills are an excellent choice here.
Known as green Mormon tea we have Viridis. used in many Ephedra diet pills today. Viridis is very mild on your system and does not contain any Alkaloids at all.
Ephedra Nevadensis that grows in Nevada is another choice in many Ephedra supplements today. Nevadensis is also called Mormon tea and does not contain any Alkaloids either.
Viridis and Nevadensis are very mild on your system when it comes to weight loss. They do give you results but are not as effective as Sinica or Cordifolia.
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Ephedrine, Ephedra, Extract are you confused about the many names and which diet pill to choose? Then read on because in this article we will give you are much more clear picture on the types of Ephedra diet pills that are on the market today!