Important Questions When Thinking About Breast Augmentation
A lot of questions may arise when considering breast augmentation. Here are the most important ones to ask yourself and your surgeon.
When considering breast augmentation,

there are a few questions that should be asked. The first question to be considered is what the implant will be filled with. Saline and silicon are the only certified fillers that can be used. A decision will have to be made to use either one, so some research on both types of fillers would be wise. Another important question about the filler is how much is to be used?
Size is also very important when it comes to deciding about how big to go. You do not want to have a second surgery, so the first time should be really well thought out. Maybe take some practice runs with balloons filled with water. Get an idea first, and talk about it with your doctor. Reconstruction breast augmentation is much more difficult. The first operation is the easiest; but it only gets more complicated from then on.
Substance and size are the most important components to ponder, but also be sure there are some other decisions that will have to be made. The incision locations, as well as the implant placement, are other questions that arise when considering breast augmentation. Four areas are to be considered for the entry of the silicon bag. During the surgery the silicon bag can be entered into one of the following sites: the armpit, belly button, the bottom crease of the breast, or around the nipple. Depending on which entry location you prefer, finding a doctor with that specialty is the smart choice.
As far as the placement of the implant bag, you will have some choices. It can be placed in front of the muscle but underneath the breast tissue, or you can have it placed pretty much in the middle of the breast muscle, or have it completely behind the muscle. Make sure your doctor has lots of practice with the style you are going with. Some doctors prefer a particular method which they do really well with, but that may not be the style that you were looking for.
Specific questions should be discussed with a doctor to explain the best options for each individual. Breast augmentation should be thoroughly thought out about before going under the knife. Answering important questions that will need some quality thinking time and research. Taking precautions so you will only have to do it once is the key to a successful breast augmentation.