Infertility and Fertility Issues Causes and Diagnosis with Clomid
Infertility specialists are MDs and as such are experts in conventional treatments for infertility including drugs and surgical interventions. Most have no interest in alternative treatments for infertility. Here's where naturopathic doctors come in
Once you are handed a diagnosis of infertility,

you will likely be referred to see an infertility specialist. Most people assume that since this person is a specialist in infertility, they would know everything there is to know about every possible means of addressing it. Herein lies the problem. Infertility specialists are medical doctors and as such are well versed in conventional medical treatments for infertility which includes drugs and surgical interventions like Clomid, IUI and IVF. Most have neither the time nor the interest in exploring natural, alternative treatments for infertility.
As a naturopathic doctor, I profess to know as much about drugs and surgery as I need to know to ensure that I am working along with conventional fertility treatments and not against them. I would not consider myself a specialist in those areas, nor would I feel comfortable advising a patient about those and so I would refer someone to a medical doctor for expert advice about them. I am, however, a specialist in naturopathic treatment of infertility, if there's anything to be known about natural treatment for infertility, I've probably read about it or used it. Likewise, a medical doctor would not be a specialist in the herbs, vitamins, minerals, supplements and acupuncture that I use in my fertility treatments. They would not know of the effectiveness of Vitex agnus-castus, Dong Quai or Rubus idaeus or the use of the acupuncture points Kidney 3, Kidney 6 and Kidney 7 for infertility treatment.
My point is this, no one professional can possibly know every conventional medical treatment for infertility as well as every effective naturopathic treatment for infertility. To fully investigate all of your options for enhancing your fertility, correcting infertility issues and optimizing your chances of having healthy, happy children you need a conventional medical specialist and a naturopathic infertility specialist on your team.
What you should do if you think you may be infertile:
- Consult your family physician for a referral to an infertility specialist
- Research naturopathic physicians who specialize in infertility - infertility is a complex issue and one best dealt with by someone who specializes in it.
- Do your own research: investigate the pros and cons of all treatments recommended to you. These days people need to be proactive about their health and take charge of their own medical treatment.