Information About TMJ Hearing Loss
Can TMJ hearing loss be fixed? Find out some important info about the condition and possible treatments.
TMJ hearing loss is one of these problems. While it can seem frightening at first,

it is reversible, you just need to know how.
Option 1: You can pay a few hundred dollars to get a TMJ mouth guard. These mouth guards work
sometimes. The mouth guards are meant to relieve stress on the masticatory muscles, which allows the muscles inside the ear to relax, which results in better hearing.
But these mouth guards don’t always work, they are expensive and frankly they are pretty annoying to sleep with. Expect to see some results after about six weeks of using mouth guard. But also expect replacements and annoyances and keep them away from the family dog! It's strange how many people complain that their dog chewed theirs up...
Option 2: The second and much more effective option is using TMJ exercises. Some therapists have developed specialised exercises for TMJ patients that massage, stretch and strengthen the appropriate muscles in your mouth and jaw to fix TMJ hearing loss and other TMJ symptoms.
The reason these exercises are so effective at treating TMJ hearing loss is because they actually fix the root causes of TMJ. Mouth guards simply don’t realign your jaw well enough or consistently enough to be pushed as an effective treatment for TMJ hearing loss.
Which ever treatment you choose to pursue, make sure you do it as soon as possible. Like many conditions, TMJ can become quite serious if the symptoms are allowed to continue. Starting exercises early is a great idea and will give you a great chance of early recovery.