Invisalign: 5 Responsibilities For Users
The Invisalign orthodontic system can help many people achieve a straight, healthy smile. However, the success of the treatment is highly dependent on patient cooperation.
There are several benefits to choosing the Invisalign system over traditional orthodontic devices such as metal braces. The liners used for the treatment are clear and removable,
meaning no embarrassing food particles will become wedged in brackets and cleaning teeth is much easier. Gum disease risks are reduced, and there is less pain involved since the system applies decreased pressure on teeth. Choosing invisible braces can also reduce the treatment time required to receive the same results. While there are many reasons to ditch traditional braces for this new technology, there are still some important points to understand before making a decision. Here are five considerations.
1. Commitment
Wearing the Invisalign orthodontic system is a short-term commitment that will result in long term results. The clear trays are completely removable for convenience, less pain, and more comfort. However, regularly removing or keeping them out of the mouth for long periods can result in reversion or extension of treatment length. It is recommended to only take out the device during meals and while brushing and flossing. Although they can be removed for photos or a special occasion, it is important that they are worn the majority of the day and night, or for no less than 20 to 22 hours a day.
2. Reversion
If the liners are not worn as prescribed, teeth may revert back to a previous position. The system works gradually, and every few weeks a new liner is used to replace the previous. If teeth are allowed to shift back, however, new or older liners may no longer fit. This will require replacement, which will add to costs.
3. Allergies
Although rare, some patients have been known to have allergic reactions to the Invisalign system. This is a response the materials and can include such symptoms as sore throat or swelling. Breathing problems can subsequently occur and may require emergency medical care. The trays can be made of different materials if any allergies are discovered, or traditional metal braces may be a more suitable option.
4. Time
Invisalign has the benefit of a reduced treatment time compared to that of wire braces. However, it can still take up to 18 months for optimal results, and that is after all other necessary dental care has been performed. Some patients may require additional work such as tooth removal before being candidates for this system. Additionally, although the liners feel very comfortable, initially there may be some pain and difficulty speaking. Most people adjust within the first few days or weeks, but it is important to not remove the liners too much during this period to compensate.
5. Cost
Choosing Invisalign can be more expensive than traditional metal braces, but most insurance companies will cover some portion if not all of the treatment. Many orthodontists may also have payment options or be able to make personal arrangements depending on your financial situation. Your dentist can provide you with more information about what options are available to you.