Invisalign treatments are a recent orthodontic development that effectively straightens teeth by utilizing a series of clear plastic aligners. If you have crooked teeth or just find this topic interesting please read this article.
Invisalign treatments are a recent orthodontic development that effectively straightens teeth by utilizing a series of clear plastic aligners. This “invisible form” of braces,
eliminates the much of the pain, hassle and embarrassment that is commonly associated with more traditional methods. In this article, we will outline this treatment system and provide information pertaining to costs, and benefits associated with the product.
To begin, the orthodontist will make use of advanced imaging software in order to outline and manufacture a number of retainers from a set of bite impressions. Your first retainer will fit the current state of your teeth. As time goes on, each retainer will gently pressure the teeth into their targeted alignments.
Though the number of actual trays varies from patient to patient, the average amount is around 18 to 20. Each clear retainer is completely removable and used all day long, aside from meals, for a period of two weeks each. The process generally takes roughly the same period of time as most traditional sets of braces.
Arguably, the most impressive benefit of the treatment is that many of the patients who use the retainers are able to effectively straiten their teeth without notice from others. As it stands, many full grown adults would prefer to go on living with uncorrected teeth rather than spend the time and embarrassment dealing with the metal contraptions they recall from their younger years.
As these retainers are completely removable, patients are able to continue brushing and flossing as they would if they didn’t have braces. This plays a huge role in minimizing instances of staining or decay that is commonly associated with traditional methods. Drink and food options are far less restricted as patients may simply remove the retainer, eat what they will, floss, brush, and replace the retainer without issue.
This advancement has seen numerous individuals of all ages interested in obtaining additional information about these wonder braces.
While invisalign treatments may end up costing more than your average braces, the overall amount typically depends on the extend of the treatment, as well as how many retainers are required to complete the process. You may want to shop around a little, prior to deciding on an orthodontist.
Insurance may even cover your treatment. In fact, many patients end up finding that their coverage is quite similar when compared with most other forms of orthodontic treatment.
A few issues have been associated with the invisalgn system. Patients who decide against wearing the retainers at all times tend to find that their teeth fail to change positions are quickly as they’d like. Other’s experience minor discomfort when they switch the new retainer. While these are certainly issues to consider, many people find that the benefits to this wonderful system far outweigh any issue.