Wondering exactly what can you benefit from getting Invisalign? Do you want further advice on it? Let’s all find out the fantastic yet not so well-known (as of now) advantages of Invisalign.
The increasing and booming market of cosmetic dentistry continues to be evolving and creating new ways on making each and every patient’s smile whiter and more beautiful. In connection with this,

many procedures have been made and are out and about right now to aid many individuals - most importantly all those who have teeth problems, and Invisalign is one of those.
Introduction to Invisalign
Invisalign is a method designed by the cosmetic dentistry industry as another alternative to braces. This procedure has been around since 1999. Invisalign uses transparent, moldable and easily-removed aligners, which are usually worn for a period of time. According to Wikipedia, as of April 2008 there are about 730,000 patients who are presently in treatment and have completed the procedure.
Procedures in getting Invisalign
The moment you have decided to get Invisalign, your Invisalign Arizona dentist will first check the situation of your teeth.
An X-ray shall be performed and the results will be examined afterwards. After the evaluation and the Arizona dentist verifies that the patient is qualified, you will be slated for an Impression visit.
An impression visit aims to obtain the measure of the teeth and this will be the basis of the aligner’s measurement.
Your Arizona dentist shall contact you right after a week or two to confirm and inform you that your aligners are ready and should now be worn. A patient should go immediately to the dentist’s clinic and get his first set of aligners.
Each set of aligners shall be worn at a provided time and the patient must go back to the dentist to obtain the next set of aligners. This is in short what they call the aligners adjustment visit.
After successfully following the dentist’s advice regarding the procedure, and teeth are all in-line and in place now, a deband visit shall be made. With this stage, the patient’s teeth will be assessed and inspected if there’s a need to undergo a refinement stage.
Invisalign vs Braces
Both are modern approaches in teeth straightening, both needs a lot of time and both demands a certain amount of cash. The end effect might be the same but the experiences differ.
Braces - One of the very most common teeth straightening treatments in cosmetic dentistry. It treats a wide variety of dental cases such as openbite, overcrowded or gapped teeth. One unpleasant part of having braces is adjustment. A patient must go through a series of these the moment their teeth begin to move.
Invisalign - Another teeth straightening method that aims to take care of a patient’s overbite, overcrowded or gapped teeth. Series of adjustments are also present but not as agonizing as braces. In Invisalign the patient just needs to get their new set of aligners as soon as their teeth starts to move. The patient may also remove the aligners every time they want so they can enjoy their food at any time.
The modern approach of cosmetic dentistry to patients has unquestionably changed their lifestyle. People who have overly gapped teeth or overcrowded teeth at the moment are satisfied and confidently grinning with their newly arranged and straightened teeth. Find out what’s best to suit your needs, ask your Arizona dentist and get ready to show off that perfect white and even straighter teeth!