Invisalign Treatment FAQ
Though Invisalign are believed to be the most convenient teeth straighteners, they too present some difficulties during the course of treatment.
Though Invisalign is believed to be the most convenient teeth straighteners,
they too present some particular difficulties during the procedure. The patient may possibly experience tenderness during the commencing days or a short time after that too. But, awesome feature of Invisailgn is the problems may be relieved easily. Typically the troubles are faced only in the commencing days and as days pass they are lessened.
The most frequent complication encountered by Invisalign wearers is soreness. This can be more appropriately portrayed as stress also. Most of the wearer experience this tenderness only in the initial days when they wear their new set of invisible braces. One thing the patient has to consider that the strain is given appropriately which is needed to alter the alignment of the tooth. The pressure is felt at those teeth which are aimed to be aligned. In due course of time these teeth shift to more correct setting and then the force and tenderness vanishes.
Some people may suffer soreness only on some specific teeth or in some particular portions. This can be typically for the reason that targeted teeth or teeth-groups are designed to shift their setting. These chosen teeth are changed with the inaugural Invisalign to give rise to space, whereas the later Invisalign in the later duration switch rest of the teeth.
During a study done on Invisalign patients it was observed that nearly thirty five percent patients didn’t experience any tenderness and slight tenderness was observed in fifty four percent patients. The tenderness was mostly due to the new Invisalign and sustained for two to three days. More than 83% users got well adapted to Invisalign in a week. 6% users faced soft tissue inflammation where gums, lips and chicks were scratched.
Yet another problem may be experienced when Invisalign influences speaking style. In fact Invisalign has no capability to convey any speech problem to the patient. Still in the same study it was seen that in 64% wearers modest trouble was seen. But it was also observed that the complication was rectified when the patients got adjusted to the braces which was in a short while.
Another schedule that Invisalign user must go through is the scheduled visits to doctor. These appointments are typically scheduled with a duration of 4 to 6 weeks. In these appointments the dental surgeon inspects if the user’s progress is according to the expectations or not. Typically these meetings are of short period in which only external checkup and jotting observations are included. As Invisalign are worn only for 2 weeks and the meetings are after 4 to 6 weeks the orthodontist also provides new set of aligners during the visit.
Occasionally the orthodontist performs a procedure also during the visit. When a tooth is impossible to shape up the position, the orthodontist strikes it with white substance stuck on its surface so as to correct its alignment. Procedure of stripping is made to make room amongst packed teeth. Too jam-packed teeth are segregated to make a place amongst them so that Invisalign is able to perform its job more effectively. Stripping is done by using dental drill or a diamond-coated strip. Both these processes are performed without using anesthetics. If the method is included in the meeting, it is likely to take a longer time.