Is A Painless Chemical Facial Peel For You?

Sep 16


Anna Woodward

Anna Woodward

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Painless chemical facial peels are a new way to achieve smoother skin surfaces. Here are some things to think about.

A painless chemical facial peel may be a preferable way for you to achieve a smoother skin surface. During this treatment as well as with some of the original peels,Is A Painless Chemical Facial Peel For You? Articles a dermatologist, plastic surgeon or esthetician paints an acidic solution on a person's face. This acidic product burns the out layer of damaged tissue which then sloughs off to allow rejuvenation. When the new rejuvenated layer grows in upon healing, it is free of wrinkles, indentations, blemishes and more. There are various solutions that can be applied but some techniques are more comfortable than the others. Here are some things to think about. What causes the damage to occur? There are multiple factors, which cause facial skin to become damaged. Aging, the sun's rays, acne, injuries and toxins within the environment all contribute to wrinkles, scars, indentations, crows' feet, lines, spots and wrinkles. All of these combine to give a face a haggard and beaten down appearance. Different levels of peels: There are various strength levels of the solutions applied to a person's epidermis depending on what he or she needs to have addressed. Certain strengths are better for wrinkles, fine lines and acne while others are preferable for treating precancerous lesions that are in evidence. The strongest is phenol: The most aggressive level of epidermal removal is phenol. This is especially helpful for deeper indentations, scars and is the product used to eradicate precancerous lesions, as well. Since this product penetrates so deeply, it will entail a bit of pain and swelling. Next level is trichloroacetic acid: This is a product that penetrates to a medium depth. It is used for smoothing out milder lines, blemishes and acne scars. Alphahydroxy: This peel is relatively gentle and may require repeated sessions to get the effect you're trying to achieve. This method takes less than a half hour and is virtually painless. It doesn't involve any downtime, unsightliness or time off from work. There will be a bit of flaking skin but nothing very noticeable. The gentlest technique of all: Only certain doctors utilize this technique, which utilizes fruit acid as it's sloughing off agent. This treatment doesn't entail any pain or downtime and must be done monthly to obtain results. Fruits that are used may be citrus, grapes or apples. The citrus fruits contain citric acid such as lemons, oranges, or limes. Apples as the peeling agent contain malic acid, which opens pores and curtails acne. When grapes are the agent, tartaric acids are the aid. Medical personnel required: Because facial peeling agents can be potentially damaging to the tissue if applied improperly, it's important to seek treatment from a competent dermatologist, plastic surgeon or an esthetician. While estheticians aren't doctors, they are trained and certified to work in skin care. Individuals looking for a painless chemical facial peel should interview doctors and spa personnel in their region. It's also helpful to get word of mouth references from friends, family members, coworkers and your hairstylist about the best places in town for facial treatments.