Hair-loss triggers a special process of thinking with women. No over the counter hair-loss product will bring back to you that bumper crop. However, if you create your own shampoo, using some of the time-tested ingredients, you are likely to get good results.
Hair-loss triggers a special process of thinking with women. The loss must be prevented at all the costs. It needs to be done as quickly as possible because every time you comb the hair, a good crop is accumulated in your palm. You hate and virtually are afraid to comb!
Your knowledge about hair-care is profound. For several weeks now, you are in active consultation with your inner circle friends.
With your past experience you say that over the counter medications are not of much use.
Washing the hair is an unavoidable exercise. What can be done! No soaps now, whatever may be the ratings given to it by the advertising industry. Now you need a good shampoo.
All shampoos have excellent reputation, according to the manufacturers! Each one is claimed to be better than the other. Each shampoo has gone through several incarnations.
The main problem is there is no single shampoo that has win your confidence. Instead, you are cob webbed in to a series of shampoos. What astounding varieties! What attractive packings! The result? More and more confusion!
The first thing that you have to do is to think coolly. No over the counter hair-loss product will give you total satisfaction or bring back to you that bumper crop.
But it is time for you to revise your lessons in hair care, know more about the time-tested remedies and enhance your knowledge about the latest trends by reading books and magazines and by watching the TV shows.
All say natural products are the best for hair care. What about natural hair shampoo?
Well, if you create your own shampoo, using some of the time-tested ingredients, you are likely to get good results. Certainly there will not be any side effects. This can be tried very comfortably at home. Here are a couple of ways natural shampoos can be made and used at home:
Washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram pulse and fenugreek lengthens the hair, keeps them black and cures dandruff. Dandruff is one of the reasons for the hair fall in most of the people.
Crushed leaves of sea same are considered beneficial in the treatment of dandruff. A decoction made from the leaves and root is used as a hair wash. It is said to prevent premature graying of hair and promote their growth.
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