Is This Really Labor? How To Tell When ‘It’s Time’

Nov 2


Seyed Sadegh Abdosalehi

Seyed Sadegh Abdosalehi

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Should we stay or should we go? The first time you’re in labor, it’s so exciting. It’s hard not to just rush to the hospital at the first sign of contractions. Alas, much of the time, those first few contractions are actually “false labor” and are simply a sign that your body is warming up and exercising those pelvic and abdominal muscles in an effort to prepare for the real deal.

Learn the Difference Between False Labor & Real Labor So You Know When to Go!

The following tips will help you learn the difference between false labor,Is This Really Labor? How To Tell When ‘It’s Time’ Articles real labor, and real labor that has progressed enough that it’s time to contact your doctor or midwife.

Is it your first baby? If so, know that you will probably experience a longer labor than normal. This is because your body has never done this work before. First labors are typically slower so there is no need to rush if your water hasn’t broken, your contractions are further than 6 minutes apart and/or if there aren’t other obvious complications that are giving you cause for concern.

Learn to time those contractions. Labor contractions are determined by their frequency and their duration. Frequency measures the time (in minutes) between your first contraction and the beginning of the next contraction. Duration measures the time (in minutes) from the beginning to the end of the same contraction. So, your doctor will want to know the frequency and duration of your contractions. If you don’t have a watch with a second hand, or a stop watch, now is a time to get one b/c you’ll be using it faithfully once your real labor contractions commence.

Usually,  recommends heading to the hospital or birthing center when your contractions have reached a 5-1-1 or 4-1-1 ratio.

  • 5-1-1: Your contractions are coming every five minutes, they last for one minute or more, and this frequency and duration has continued consistently for one solid hour.
  • 4-1-1: Your contractions are coming every four minutes, they last for one minute or more, and they have continued consistently at this ratio for one solid hour.




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