Is Your Food Your Medicine or Your Poison?

Nov 15


Lynda Enright

Lynda Enright

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I taught a class this morning where a gentleman asked me a question about a pre-Diabetes program that he is involved in. He was wondering my opinion o...


I taught a class this morning where a gentleman asked me a question about a pre-Diabetes program that he is involved in. He was wondering my opinion on the eating plan that is being recommended. I won't go into detail on the description,Is Your Food Your Medicine or Your Poison? Articles but I told him I didn't agree that what was being promoted was optimal. But he is having good results - weight loss and improved blood lipids. So, why would I disagree with the recommendation?

My experience and research does not support what he described. But does that mean that it couldn't work for him? No. Do I think it is the long term solution to reduce the incidence of pre-Diabetes in our population? No.

We are all individuals

Confusing, right? For one person a food may act as medicine, for another that may be poison. Each individual is different. As scientists have unraveled the human genome and scientists are working on unraveling the human microbiome - we know more and more about human individuality and consequently we must tailor our recommendations to each individual. Can we always do that perfectly? Not yet. In the future I expect we will continue to get closer and closer.

I work with individuals to determine what is the best eating plan for them individually. With resources such as mediator release testing (MRTâ) we have the ability to evaluate specifically what are foods that are creating inflammation in the body and leading to symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic migraines, or chronic joint and muscle aches and pains. Testing makes it easier, but without testing we can predict based on experience what may be creating an inflammatory response in the body that leads to symptoms and begin to create a diet that is very specific for that individual and will promote good health.

How food can be medicine or poison

An example, my client Sara (not her real name) - using MRT testing we found she had a very strong inflammatory response to avocado, a common food in her diet. But we know avocado is a very healthy food - rich in heart healthy monounsaturated fats. Generally, would I recommend someone cut avocado out of their diet? No. For Sara, is that the recommendation I made? Yes. Sara had a food sensitivity to avocado. With removal of avocado and other changes to her diet, she saw an elimination of digestive upset, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and muscle and joint aches and pains. For many avocado may be medicine helping to raise heart health HDL cholesterol, for Sara they were her poison.

What is right for you?

Do you feel great? Do you have energy, maintain a healthy weight, have a clear head, healthy digestive system, healthy cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure? Unfortunately, many chronic disease conditions are silent. Your doctor will regularly evaluate health parameters to evaluate the status of your health. If your health appears to be very good, that is a good sign. But if you experience any of the above symptoms - your body is telling you that something isn't working properly. Is your food your medicine, or is it your poison? Do you think that when you eat a certain food you have a negative reaction? Has someone told you it must be in your head because that is a "healthy" food?

I encourage everyone to be their own advocate. No one can know your body like you.Listen to your body. What may be good for your friend, family, colleague - may be exactly what isn't working for you.
