It Is Really Nice To Have Insurance When Young And Pregnant

Jan 19


Patrick Daniels

Patrick Daniels

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Right after high school I was able to land a job. My mom and I lived together and with one income it was tough. A friend got me a job at a manufacturing plant outside of town. The bus ran right by my house and I was at work in about twenty five minutes. I would have liked to continue my education but maybe after I earn some money.

Right after high school I was able to land a job. My mom and I lived together and with one income it was tough. A friend got me a job at a manufacturing plant outside of town. The bus ran right by my house and I was at work in about twenty five minutes. I would have liked to continue my education but maybe after I earn some money.

I was very excited the day I was eligible for health insurance. It was a good feeling to know I was covered. The timing could not have been better because mom had canceled her policy. I was able start saving some money and things were really looking up for mom and I.

I never had time for boys at school so when this guy I met on the bus asked me out I was looking forward to it. We started spending all our free time together and mom really approved of him. Early one morning I felt severely ill to my stomach. I had health insurance now to cover a doctor visit so it was nice to be able to make an appointment when I needed to. It only took a few moments to discover that I was pregnant. I was scared,It Is Really Nice To Have Insurance When Young And Pregnant Articles how was I going to tell my boyfriend and explain to my mom. I knew mom would understand but I was not sure my boyfriend could. Mom felt a lot like me, dizzy, sad, and happy all at the same time, but she was also understanding.

We all survived and all are doing well living happily ever after. I was not long that the bills started coming in from the hospital denied. There must have been a huge mistake with the filing from my employer? They were saying that the pregnancy was a pre-condition and I knew for a fact that it was not true. The insurance company was very thorough with all the documentation I provided and they spent a lot of time working on getting to the facts. After working closely together for some time they got it all cleared up.

Down the road the company ended up firing me and I am currently on COBRA waiting to start another job. I am happy to say that I was able to include my son on my policy and that feels pretty good.