Some dentists focus their practice on oral health for kids. Here are some things to think about if you have a kid and are interested in this topic. Read on to learn more.
A parent wants the best for their children and selecting kids’ dentists may be a smart option. Good oral health should begin in babyhood in order to instill lifelong habits and longevity of the teeth. With proper attention,

each tooth that erupts in an infant’s mouth can be stronger and less susceptible to decay. Here are some things parents should consider:
- Even before the choppers begin to emerge, an infant should have his or her gums cleaned after feedings. Cleaning can be done with a damp soft washrag.
- Babies should not be put to bed with their bottle. Falling asleep with sweet liquid dribbling into their mouths is an invitation to tooth decay and a condition called “bottle mouth.”
- Even formula and breast milk contain sugars. Juices and sodas are definite no-no’s in bedtime bottles. Water is the only acceptable fluid for them to sip while falling asleep.
- Pacifiers should never be dipped in sugar or honey to quiet down a fussy child. Anything sweet will transform into bacteria and acidic deposits which will damage the enamel of sprouting teeth.
- Thumb sucking and pacifier dependence should be discontinued by the fourth or fifth birthday. Once permanent choppers begin to arrive, misalignment may occur due to the sucking.
- According to most dentitsts, children should begin drinking from a sippy cup by their first birthday. After some months of practice with the sippy cup, a regular drinking glass should be introduced.
- Teething timetables vary depending on the individual genetic predisposition. The two central bottom incisors are often the first to arrive, followed by the two central uppers.
- Teaching kids how to brush and floss should begin in early childhood. They may need help from their parents until they are in their elementary school years, however.
- Toothpastes containing fluoride are a good idea in moderation. Adults will need to monitor the amounts initially, as large dollops of the substance can make the youngsters sick. Fluoride can help increase strength of the enamel and cut down on decay.
- Earlier orthodontia: Back some years ago, orthodontists didn’t start their work of straightening till the kids were adolescents. This has changed to early preventative intervention which can eliminate the need for braces or cut the timeframe of straightening down substantially. Even elementary school youngsters should consult an orthodontist if it’s apparent that they will end up with a crooked grin.
- Braces can be cool: So many children end up wearing braces in order to straighten their smiles. The dental industry has taken note of that and beautified the apparatuses. Clear, multicolored or fancily bejeweled – braces have become hip.
- They are what they eat: Not only is a growing human body formed by the nutrients which are ingested, by each tooth is affected as well. The healthier the menu, the healthier the kid. Sugary or starchy items break down into acidic residues which erode the enamel. When sweets are eaten, brushing and flossing should follow as soon as possible.
Your kids’ dentists can keep their mouths healthy. The practitioners can be the beginning of a lifetime regime of strong dental habits.