Knowing How To Spot Bipolar Disorder Is The First Step To Treating It
Mental illness is more prevalent in our society than ever before and while this may have a stigma associated with it, it is really just a brain malfunction that causes these illnesses. One of the most common mental illnesses being diagnosed these days is bipolar disorder which is characterized by a serious of ups and downs that are not significantly affected by the world around these individuals.
Mental illness is more prevalent in our society than ever before and while this may have a stigma associated with it,

it is really just a brain malfunction that causes these illnesses. One of the most common mental illnesses being diagnosed these days is bipolar disorder which is characterized by a serious of ups and downs that are not significantly affected by the world around these individuals. Some of the following are signs to look for when trying to decide if a loved one is dealing with this mood disorder.
Times of extreme elation are a sign that there may be a problem. While most individuals stay on a relatively even keel for the most part, those who are suffering from bipolar disorder have periods of highs. These highs are usually known as the mania phase of bipolar disorder and may be associated with a break from reality or may just seem like a normal up period as is the case with those experiencing hypomania. While spending time with someone in this phase is usually enjoyable it is usually followed by a period of extreme down time.
Those with bipolar disorder tend to be easily distracted and therefore they are disorganized and flighty leaving many unfinished projects all around them. Projects seem to be larger than life with a bipolar person but never seem to come to fruition. Periods of severe depression are also associated with this disorder and those who were just happy and dancing about just a few hours ago may now be sleeping and significantly depressed. As a result this depression may be the first symptom that is diagnosed; however, antidepressants don't work well for people with this disorder since they usually will increase the mania. A complete diagnosis is key to helping them get this disorder under control.
The going back and forth between elation and extreme lethargy and depression wears on people and causes extreme irritability. These are not the typical good or bad days that people normally have. This moodiness is a real stumbling block to relationships with the person affected as well as other aspects of life such as school and work.
Talking to someone with the disorder can be very difficult. They have so much going on in their brains sometimes that they can't even slow down enough to have a conversation that makes sense. They will talk too fast and often jump from one topic to another. They are usually thinking about things in an uninterrupted sort of stream of consciousness and will relate tidbits here and there that make perfect sense to them, but no one else. All of these symptoms together make life incredibly difficult and can be helped greatly by a variety of treatments.