Laser Hair Removal and Some Popular Misconceptions
Laser hair removal isn’t just for celebrities and the ultra-rich anymore. However, a number of misconceptions have entered the public consciousness. Here are a few corrections.
Laser hair removal isn’t just for celebrities and the ultra-rich anymore. People from all walks of life are choosing to have the treatment,

thus freeing themselves from the shackles of razors and hot wax. Women who suffer from hirsutism or have simply tired of shaving their legs can find great relief from a good clinic. Men who have struggled for years with hairy backs can finally be confident when they take off their shirts. Of course, as with any good thing, the naysayers are all too happy to have their say. In doing so, however, a number of misconceptions have entered the public conscience. Here are a few of them and the truth behind the lies.
Laser Hair Removal Hurts
While everyone’s threshold of pain is different, few-if any-would describe the treatment as being anywhere in the same stratosphere of pain as waxing. While anyone who has had it done will admit that the treatment does come with a sensation, it is far from painful by any standard. There is a slight sting when the laser does its work, but many clinics will offer a topical anesthetic for those who find the bite to be more than they can withstand.
Laser Hair Removal Doesn’t Work On Dark Skin
This is one of those misconceptions that does have a kernel of truth to it. Using old methods, the treatment is often less effective on dark skin. However, with recent advancements in technology, this is no longer the case. While it is still true that not everyone is a candidate for the treatment, only meeting with a representative who can look specifically at your skin and your situation can you know for sure whether or not you belong in that category.
Laser Hair Removal is Dangerous
This is perhaps the most insidious of the claims, only because other methods of hair removal are much more dangerous and few people ever mention the risks. Waxing, in particular, has been known to cause infections and deep sores in certain people, but there is hardly an outcry to ban the procedure. Shaving, of course, comes with its own risks as it pertains to cuts and can certainly lead to irritations. It might even be correct to say that laser treatment is the safest way to remove unwanted growth from the body, especially when done in a controlled circumstance with a qualified doctor at the helm. By all means, however, do your own research on the clinics near you and find one that puts health first before you sign up for the treatment.