Laser Hair Removal: Get Rid Of The Blade
This article is a brief overview regarding laser hair removal and what to expect including side effects and long-term results. Read on to learn more.
Let's face it; if you're a woman you probably have enough to do in your hectic life without worrying about every hair on your body. But every woman knows how fast a smooth hairless leg can go from feeling like a Georgia peach to feeling like sandpaper and so shaving is a part of our daily lives whether we want it to be or not. There are; however,
alternatives to the blade including laser treatments. This is a hair removal treatment that can be a permanent or semi permanent method to get rid of body hair and end the endless cycle of shaving. It doesn't work all of the time for everyone but most patients will see at least a reduction in body hair from laser hair removal treatments.
It takes at least seven treatments for most patients to see any permanent results depending on the hair type and skin pigmentation, as well as the area being treated. Some patients will see better results than others. For example this treatment method has been shown to work best on clients with dark hair and fair skin due to how the laser targets the melanin in the hair.
Treatment plans vary based on the area of the body you are having treated. For instance faces require a shorter interval between treatments, usually between three to four weeks, while legs require a longer interval, usually eight weeks. At the very minimum you need to wait at least six weeks between treatments to see the best results.
The laser works by penetrating harmlessly through your skin and burning the hair follicle permanently damaging the hair at its root. This inhibits any future hair growth and eventually means your legs will always be as smooth as a Georgia peach without any effort needed on your part at all. However while you are undergoing treatment bear in mind that it can take up to three weeks after a treatment, for those hairs to shed naturally and you should avoid the temptation to manually manipulate them out yourself.
It's normal to experience some minor side effects after a treatment such as itching, redness and a swelling, but these should subside within three days or so and if you ice the area immediately after your treatment, these side effects may be completely avoided in the first place.
Other more serious but less common complications include infection, swelling of the hair follicle, burns from an improperly applied laser, or less severe reactions such as acne flare ups, white spots developing or hyper or hypo skin pigmentation occurring.
Before you have a treatment you can apply an over the counter numbing cream up to thirty minutes prior to your treatment or the clinic may provide a numbing agent for you.
It isn't recommended that you use a large amount of numbing cream over a large area at one time since this has led to serious complications in the past. Be sure to discuss this issue with your clinician before your treatment so you fully understand how the process works and what to expect from your treatment sessions.