Laser Hair Removal - What to Bring to an Appointment
When you schedule an appointment for laser hair removal you may want to bring along a few things to pass the time. With multiple treatments you may find yourself if the office frequently.
The first time you go in for laser hair removal you may be interested in the process and how it works. You want to see what is being done and the effect that it is having on your skin as well as the follicles. After the initial treatment you are probably going to want to sit back and find something else to do,
if possible while you are waiting for your appointment and while it is taking place.
A Book to Read
Depending on the type of facility that you go to for laser hair removal you may find yourself in the waiting room for a while. Just like any other office or spa things can get busy, get backed up and you are stuck waiting for a while. A book is a great way to pass the time. You may not have the time to read with your usual schedule but this can provide you with some much needed time to catch up on your favorite novel or start a new one.
Depending on where the treatment is being done you may be able to read while the work is being completed. If you are having work done on your face it would make reading difficult, but your legs, bikini area and even arms might make reading a possibility.
Music to Listen To
Do you have music that relaxes you completely? It might be something that you turn on when you come home from a long day at work or something that you can listen to a million times and never get tired of hearing it. Whatever your music tastes are load up an MP3 player or even your cell phone with some of these amazing tunes. If you toss in some earphones you have everything that you need to put yourself far away from the laser hair removal that is taking place.
If you want the best of both worlds you can download an audio book and listen in the waiting room and in the treatment room. Just be sure that you hear your name called when it is time to go back. This can pass the time and take your mind off the procedure.
You probably aren’t going to drag a whole Scrabble game into the waiting room before a laser hair removal appointment but you can bring it on your phone. Check the apps on your phone and see if there are some fun games to play while you wait.
Once again you can play in the waiting area and maybe during the treatment. Time will pass quickly and you may find yourself addicted to the fun. It can keep your looking forward to your appointments.