High definition body sculpting is a very important benefit of laser liposuction. The procedure helps to give a well-contoured and sleek look.
In the procedure of liposuction, excess body fat is removed and the body sculpted to achieve a better contour. Nowadays, liposuction is made safer and more effective with laser devices, and more effective and precise results are provided as compared to conventional procedures. In laser liposuction, specific areas of the body are reshaped wherein fat has accumulated due to weight gain or aging. The procedure works very well on those body areas from where fat cannot be removed even by heavy exercise and dieting.
Laser Liposuction Works Quite Well in Difficult Areas
When parts of the body wherein fat has accumulated over a period of time are reshaped, a new image can be obtained along with a boost in self confidence. Cynosure has introduced the Smartlipo laser liposuction technology. It definitely helps in achieving your aesthetic goals. The procedure is minimally invasive and laser energy delivered via a cannula is used for melting excess fat from specific areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, knees, flanks, neck, upper arms, jaw line, chin and others. It works very well on saddle bags, love handles, bra roll and other difficult and delicate areas where treatment is not possible with the help of conventional techniques.
How Is Smartlipo Superior?
Smartlipo technology has been approved by the FDA and offers various benefits to the patients. After local anesthesia is administered to the patients, a tiny cannula is inserted through incisions made on the skin to target fat deposits in that area. The fat cells are ruptured by the laser and the melted fat is removed without causing discomfort to the patient. In Smartlipo Triplex liposuction, energy from 3 laser wavelengths – 1064, 1320 and 1440 nm is used. These wavelengths can be blended uniquely or independently. 3 intelligent delivery systems are used by Smartlipo Triplex through which greater safety of the patients is ensured. It helps in minimizing complications and also in preventing over-treatment. This method is superior because:
>> Blood vessels are sealed
>> Fat is permanently melted
>> Other tissues are not damaged
>> Bruising and bleeding are minimized
>> Skin is tightened
>> No downtime is involved
High definition body sculpting is a very important benefit of laser liposuction. It helps to give a well-contoured and sleek look. To ensure the best results from this procedure, the right plastic surgeon should be chosen. Some serious research should be done for finding a certified and experienced surgeon. Online reviews and testimonials should be read and references can be obtained from your family doctor. Once the surgeon is finalized, his/her experience, credentials and qualifications should be checked out.
SmartLipo Triplex Ensures Many Body Contouring Benefits
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