Lasik Facts #2

May 27


William S. Goldstein, MD

William S. Goldstein, MD

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There are many facts about LASIK Michigan that all patients need to know! And if you are thinking about Implantable Contact Lens surgery, they will be helpful, too.


LASIK Fact #2How can you decide who to perform your LASIK surgery in Michigan?

Do you decide based on price?? Maybe location is the most important factor!

But what about experience?

And does it matter which laser the surgeon uses??

In this series of articles,Lasik Facts #2 Articles you will learn may things that surgeons don't want to discuss with their patients. Some of these facts will amaze you! Some may make you uncomfortable. All of them will give you more information, and an informed patient is a happy patient!!

LASIK fact number 2 Not All Surgeons Have Great Results! Results can be measured several ways, but I think that accuracy is a good measure of a surgeon's ability and the statistics back this up. I recently reviewed my results, and found that the percentage of patients who obtained 20/20 (or better!) vision in my hands was far superior to the results in the FDA studies. In other news, my reoperation rate was also much lower than the national studies, in some cases less than a 1% chance of needing a second surgery. You really want your surgery done ONCE, and done correctly!

Why is there a difference? My staff and I have spent many years perfecting the care of our LASIK patients. The extra time that we take with each patient helps us to understand their goals for surgery. And (to borrow an old carpenters' saying) taking the time to 'measure twice and cut once' has always been my standard.

So, for me, it comes down to quality, not quantity. I would rather spend more time with my patients, so that I truly understand what it takes to make them happy. The 'high volume/low cost' surgeons are more likely to make mistakes, have worse outcomes, and have a higher incidence of complications.

You should spend some time on this, too! Do some research....ask around....and find a surgeon with good results, who also takes time out to view your needs as an individual!

For more info, go to Dr. William Goldsteins website,, or find more articles at LASIK surgery in Michigan, and Implantable Contact Lens info is also available.