LeBron is Looking Sillier by the Minute
King LeBron James is a freak of nature. Make no mistake about it; he is a fine example of someone who was given a special gift by God He has talent, he has charisma, he has the physique, and most importantly, he has youth. Unfortunately for LeBron, his youth is turning against him.
He is finally showing the arrogance and sense if entitlement that usually comes with it. His recent actions are starting to overshadow all of what he has done these past five years.

there was the immature act of leaving the floor after the loss to the Orlando Magic, without so much as a congratulatory nod. Next there is the conspiracy of the lost ‘dunk’ tapes. Slowly but steadily, LeBron is turning from the King to the Jester.
King’s Loss
After the loss of the 6th game of the 2009 Eastern Conference Finals, LeBron James left the floor of the arena, without even giving the Magic players what they were due; a handshake or even, a friendly nod.. The Magic were the better team. They beat the King’s team fairly, and they deserved to go to the Finals. James just could not handle it.
James has to understand that even the greatest players in the history of the NBA stayed behind and shook the hands of the winning team. Jordan always had enough respect for the other team to stay behind and shake the hands of the winner. Kobe swallowed his pride and shook the hands of the Celtics when hey beat him for last year’s finals. Joe Dumars stayed behind and shook Jordan’s hand, even as Isaiah Thomas led a walkout after losing to the Bulls a year after their 2 championships. James should have stayed behind.
King’s Pride
Now comes the infamous conspiracy of the confiscated tapes of Jordan Crawford, a Xavier Sophomore, dunking over LeBron James at LeBron’s “Skills Academy.” The sophomore apparently dunked on the King during a pick-up game, while two cameras were filming. After the incident, Nike officials confiscated the tapes, undoubtedly, following James’ order. They later announced that the confiscation had nothing to do with the dunk but no one really believed them.
James’ pride was hurt when the young Crawford made him feel what it was like on the other side of an incredible dunk. It made him feel foolish and made him feel like a chump. So what does the King do? Act foolish and act like a chump. Have the tapes confiscated and have them erased. In doing so, he became what he wanted to avoid, a fool.
The King has Time
Fortunately for James, he has time to make amends. He still has the opportunity to be the King that he so wished to be. He still has the chance to grow up and see that congratulating winners is not sign of weakness but a sign of maturity and a sign of true champion. He has the opportunity to realize that seeing one’s self as an untouchable god will only lead to alienation.
The King is turning into a Jester but all is not lost for LeBron. He just has to grow up and realize that sometimes, being a King means bowing down giving people what they are due. GP