Legacy of the Miele Vacuum Cleaner
A Miele upright and canister vacuum is considered the pinnacle of performance in the vacuum industry. Thanks to various patented designs and their overall efficiency, this is certainly the case.
Having manufactured their first vacuum cleaners in 1927,

Miele has since become one of the most trusted household names in cleaning appliances. Although 1927 marked the company’s first excursion into vacuum territory, they have been in the production business since 1899. Since the year of their first carpet sweeper, Miele has constantly sought to better the integrity of their corporation and the products they produce. As a result, this German-operated company has gained continuous notoriety for their various lines of upright and canister vacuum cleaners.
Known as the most celebrated line of upright vacuums, the Miele S7 series completely outdoes the capabilities exhibited by all other brands. Containing super AirClean filters, with the option for a HEPA filter, as well as on-board attachments such as a crevice tool, a dusting brush and an upholstery tool, these
Miele vacuum cleaners provide state-of-the-art cleaning and overall filtration to help establish the healthiness of your home. In addition to the obvious health benefits, maneuverability has never been simpler while vacuuming than it is with the S7 series. Thanks to their patented swivel-neck, these Miele upright vacuum cleaners pivot 180 degrees side to side and are capable of laying flat to the floor, allowing for the widest range of cleaning available from any upright machine.
For the deepest possible clean, a Miele canister vacuum will provide the most appropriate specifications for the job. This German-operated company offers various sweepers of this style to best correspond to your cleaning requirements, with the S5 and S6 series being the most renowned. Varying with the model, these sweepers operate using either AirClean or HEPA filtration which helps to ensure a more than satisfactory level of air quality in your home. The various
Miele vacuum bags available for these sweepers also add an additional layer of AirClean filtration, further reducing particulate circulation. Also varying with each model of Miele canister vacuum cleaner is the type of powerhead used.
For hard floors and low-pile carpeting, the Miele combination floor tools are a great option to consider. They provide the convenience of being able to seamlessly switch from cleaning hard surfaces to carpets and area rugs, all while yielding exceptional results. However, for low to medium-pile carpet, a Miele electric powerbrush is a more suitable choice. An electrified powerbrush offers a motorized brush roll and increased air flow when compared to a combination floor tool which loosens and removes dirt and other ground-in particles. Medium to high-pile carpet, on the other hand, requires special care to properly maintain. The best way to preserve the integrity of your high-pile carpet is with a Miele ElectroPlus powerhead or Electro-Premium powerhead. These power nozzles come standard with a 5-height adjustment that adapts to the density of the surface being cleaned. Adjusting to the proper height guarantees that your carpet is safely cleaned and completely removed of irritating particles that can exasperate allergy and asthma symptoms.