Lipo Plastic Surgery in St. Louis with Paul Rottler, MD FACS
Liposuction can remove unwanted fatty deposits with plastic surgery in St. Louis by Paul Rottler, MD FACS. Here are some details.
If a person is troubled by unwanted fatty deposits,

they can have them removed with liposuction plastic surgery in St. Louis by Paul Rottler, MD FACS. Dr. Rottler’s office can be reached by telephone at 314-966-8880. Another word for these fatty deposits is adipose. There are times when a person has adhered to a low fat and nutritious diet, is at their ideal weight, works out at the gym and still has lumps and bumps that simply won’t go away. When this occurs, often due to genetic predisposition, liposuction can streamline their look. Adipose tissue is a component of the human body which is made up mostly of pure fat. Why does a body contain this troubling item in the first place? In moderation, it is a good thing and quite necessary in terms of bodily function. Some of its duties include storing energy, cushioning the more angular or delicate physical components and regulating temperature with its insulation. Without it, humans’ physical being would be tired, banged up and cold. If there is too much adipose, however, it can accumulate into unattractive pouches. Some of the typical places where it tends to stubbornly remain is the abdomen, buttocks, hips, back, thighs, upper arms and even in the facial regions of cheeks, jowl and neck. These pouches can create a physique which is out of proportion in certain areas. To bring one’s figure into harmonious alignment, the technique of liposuction can do the trick. Liposuction is performed in a hospital setting or surgical suites. Tiny incisions are made in the regions requiring fat removal. A slender medical device called a cannula is inserted into the incisions to suction away the fat. This process can also be performed with a tumescent method, meaning that liquid is injected into the area in order to making fat removal more effective. The entire lipo procedure will be completed in a matter of hours, the exact time dependent on the amount of adipose which needs to be removed. Following the procedure, the patient should expect to experience bruising, swelling, numbness and pain initially. All of these discomforts should be temporary reactions, however, which will clear up over time. Depending on the body regions which have received treatment, a patient may need to wear compression garments during their recovery. Post op recovery time frames that a patient should expect include one to two weeks before go back out in public and returning to work, two to three weeks before resuming an exercise regime or undertaking other strenuous activities, one to six months of swelling and bruising and four to six weeks of wearing the compression garment. Ideal candidates should be close to their ideal, healthy weight with skin that contains enough elasticity to absorb the changes. Skin that has aged substantially may not flex back into a taut positioning and may need an additional procedure in order to create an optimum outcome. These are all concerns to be discussed during an initial evaluation with the surgeon. For plastic surgery in St. Louis, Paul Rottler, MD FACS may be reached at 314-966-8880.